OK, so here is the absolutely best blog name in the blogosphere and you likely are aware that the best blog writer in the blogosphere is the author of this site, so all that is left is to decide what is the purpose of this blog? It is not like Tiger: Raggin' & Rantin' leaves many holes unfilled that Tiger is capable of using this space to fill. So, let's open this one up to the audience: What would ya'll like to see on this blog?
Posted by Tiger at October 8, 2003 10:17 PM | TrackBackNaughty pictures!
Posted by: Pixy Misa at October 8, 2003 11:56 PMDang! I was going to say that! (Well, I was going to say "naked men" but....)
Posted by: Susie at October 9, 2003 01:20 AM