April 21, 2003

A dog's life . . .

is not always to be envied. Dosha, a dog in Clearlake, California, had a horrible day. It all started off with Dosha getting hit by a car. A friendly police officer saw her, and thinking she was in pain, played cowboy and, so as to end her suffering, shot her. Her carcass was then taken to the local animal shelter, and placed in a freezer. A couple of hours later, the director of the facility came in and was advised about the incident. He found poor Dosha shivering in the freezer, suffering from hypothermia and a gun shot wound. Ironically, she had suffered no broken bones from the auto accident. She is recovering, but the vet bills are mounting, and as Dosha is destitute and surviving solely on meals of dog food, local citizens are taking up a collection to pay for her continued care.

In an unrelated story, in Syracuse, New York, Renny, the police dog was bitten by a suspect. "I don't think I bit the dog. I just got into a fight with him," Paul Russell of Syracuse [no relation to your friendly Tiger blogger] told The Post-Standard of Syracuse in Monday's newspaper.

I don't really remember (what happened). I was pretty drunk.
Renny suffered swelling and soreness in his neck where he was bitten, but thankfully, Mr. Russell was checked for rabies and was not found to be a carrier. He was, however, found to have a broken nose and two black eyes resulting from his partner's efforts to extricate Renny from the attack, and Mr. Russell also is charged with injuring a police animal, resisting arrest and obstruction of governmental administration. Renny is not expected to testify at his trial.

Posted by Tiger at April 21, 2003 11:11 PM | TrackBack