OK, what is it about the integrity of our news reporters any more? I trusted the BBC when I shared John Kampfner's report that the Jessica Lynch rescue was staged. However, subsequent to that report and my report, John Kampfner was asked:
Is it your belief right now based upon your investigation that this rescue of Lynch was in any way a staged event and not real?
He answered "no."
The Americans had a legitimate right in getting Lynch out of the hospital in Nasiriya. They had no way of knowing what her fate was, whether she was being well or badly treated.
So, I guess when you made your original report, this was actually unconfirmed:
Witnesses told us that the special forces knew that the Iraqi military had fled a day before they swooped on the hospital.
Add that to the Jayson Blair fiasco or CNN's admission that firing demonstrations it had televised in a story about assualt weapons were deceptive and it paints a pretty bleak picture of the integrity of journalism. Soon, someone will be reporting that all the stories in the Weekly World News are entirely factual.
attribution: I began with InstaPundit
Posted by Tiger at May 20, 2003 05:27 PM | TrackBack