May 24, 2003

Interesting essay on the current need for copyrights

Erica, author of the fine blog Sperari wrote:

We no longer need copyright to ensure that artists can simultaneously continue to create and also feed themselves and their families. Copyright may not be obsolete, but the original reasons it was needed are dead--at least here in America.

So where does this leave our Middlemen? Scrambling to find ways to get back to the golden days of controlled music distribution, the days before widespread use of simple copying and distribution technologies. In ways, their dilemma looks a lot like the tech boom and subsequent bust of the late 1990's, played out in slow motion. The incredible sums of money made almost overnight; the gold rush toward the industry; the grasping at straws to save an idea or a system that just didn't work anymore. The massive case of denial that accompanied the tech bust had only one major difference from the current fall of the media cartels: when tech busted, everyone could at least admit that the insane inflation in the field could have never been sustained.

This is just a short excerpt from her essay. I do recommend you read the entire piece.

Posted by Tiger at May 24, 2003 08:09 PM | TrackBack

Hey, thanks for the link! Very nice blog you have here; was surprised to see it on the "microbes" section over at TTLB.

What brought you my way? :)

Posted by: Erica at May 26, 2003 01:20 PM

I had read almost all the blogs on my list yesterday and was just looking for some new ones to read. I either saw your blog on one a blogroll or hit one of the links in the blogoshpere list.

Posted by: Tiger at May 26, 2003 08:03 PM