May 24, 2003

Michael Jackson is bankrupt?

Well, supposedly Michael Jackson's financial advisors are claiming he is near bankruptcy. However, this revelation comes from a suit filed in Los Angeles County Superior Court, by Union Finance and Investment Corp. of South Korea who are claiming that Michael Jackson owes the firm $12 million in fees and expenses, plus interest. If he was really bankrupt, this matter would be able to be abated until his bankruptcy action was settled in Bankruptcy Court. As there was no sign of such action being filed in Bankruptcy Court, is this just someone trying to blow smoke up the ass of his creditors?

The story states:

Forbes Magazine last year estimated that Jackson has $200 million in debts but a net worth of $350 million.

If those figures are correct, then MJ is not bankrupt. If he is bankrupt, then he is an idiot for not being able to manage his money better than he has. Even if he is not bankrupt, he is still an idiot, but that is only my opinion.


Posted by Tiger at May 24, 2003 10:07 PM | TrackBack

Of course, those Forbes numbers were from last year, and MJ's burn rate rivals that of a dot-com startup from the late Nineties, but it's quite true that no one has foreclosed on Jacko either.

I think "idiot" goes without saying, but then I'm not the sort of person who goes without saying it. :)

Posted by: CGHill at May 24, 2003 10:59 PM

aawww - poor michael. He does know how to get the publicity when he needs it though. Almost a genius at it. It's common knowledge that lying in the oxygen tent was a publicity stunt. He likes attention and stardom, no matter how weird I think. And the single "Billy Jean" sold tons of copies after the UK interview.

What's next though? Actually I think that if anyone is planning on making another vampire movie from the Anne Rice novels, Mike would be great as one of the coven leaders.

Posted by: chris at May 26, 2003 08:07 PM


Posted by: kam at May 27, 2003 07:25 AM

Michael no longer owns the beatles catalog or HIS catalog. They were both taken by sony music when he failed to make due on his 100 million "invincible" album advance on time. That was part of the terms of the advance. 100 million to make an album, cmon.

Go Jacko!!!

Posted by: richard d. james at May 27, 2003 05:07 PM

Does he still own the bones of "The Elephant Man?"

Posted by: Tiger at May 27, 2003 11:15 PM

it was only 30 million dumb ass

Posted by: james duggan at May 29, 2003 10:54 PM

white american folks cant stand the fact that michael jackson has outsold both the Beatles and Elvis worldwide. America is not the only place where albums are sold. And another thing Thriller is still the biggest selling album of all time with well over 58 million sold. So tell the Eagles to go lay an egg. Last but not least if the Beatles, Elvis or any other act that you wants to compare to King Michael ever changed themselves black they would not have a pot to piss in. Because only whites like them. Unlike King Michael who is loved by all races and colors around the world...... so fuck off haters.......... enough is enough......

Posted by: The Truth at May 29, 2003 11:01 PM

at the risk of being dubbed a "hater," i think someone should point out that the comment posted by "the truth" seems to imply that MJ is some sort of stellar example of you see where i'm going with this one...?

Posted by: jules at May 29, 2003 11:15 PM

white american folks cant stand the fact that michael jackson has outsold both the Beatles and Elvis worldwide.

So you mean white people have a problem watching a white person sell more records than another another white person?

Posted by: James Russell at May 30, 2003 02:41 AM

MJ still owns the ATV/sony music catalog, U dumbass. This fucking catalog, which contains all the Beatles songs but also some Elvis, Mariah Carey and others songs, is worth 1 billion $.
Do you think he can be bankrupt when he's made more money than any other artist in history?
But i believe there's a conspiracy against him layed by the media who WANT to see him broke!!!!!

Posted by: rikta at June 14, 2003 05:01 AM

Could someone tell me what the fuck is so important about all this? A guy (black or white) made some fucking money then golddiggers and the system want that money back. (this would happen whether you are black or not). So, you just have to outsmart the system, that's the bottom line. Is MJ smart enough to keep on going ? He's made it for more than 40 years now...give some credit to the guy !!!!


Posted by: gala at June 14, 2003 05:50 AM

Michael has accomplished what others only dream of accomplishing. I feel that people are still judging Michael for accusations that were never found. Instead of giving the man credit for making beautiful music and helping others, he is continuously ridiculed and bashed. Leave him alone. Would you like it if it were you?

Posted by: Felix Ortiz at June 14, 2003 11:07 PM

MJ, can not be bankcrupt, from what i have read above, but let me get one point through to u ppl. The media looks for certain stories, that interest people, this will increase the viewing poll. At present, MJ has been a great hit, you must have noticed that his interviews are being broadcasted and all. This has got the audience (you and me) interested, we want to know more n more abt MJ, so this is wht we are getting. So we should be aware of the manipulation of media.

Posted by: Deathrow at June 19, 2003 01:04 PM

Why are we all sitting here discussing someones personal life? Leave him alone, and maybe everyone else will. Poor guy. Who cares if he's bankrupt, it's none of our business!!

Posted by: Elvis at June 25, 2003 02:45 PM

Michael Jackson is NOT bankrupt! Don't even think that way. I know him personally and have been working with him for over 20 years. He is good for way over 2 billion $. His Beatles catalog is worth 1 billion $ alone, and he never ever owed Sony Music a penny, they admitted they never said that he did. The media made it up. MJ signed a 890 million $ deal with Sony in 1990, and has sold over 400 million records (incl. singles), he has had the 3 biggest tours ever in history, and is now doing great! So dont believe the tabloids, please!

Posted by: jay jay at July 21, 2003 01:13 PM

Personally I don't give a flying fuck what 'kula' he is! & it's not important either. The fact is, the guy has made so much money that all he can do now is become self indulgant & believe himself to be important in his 'child shagging' little dream world. MJ has disappeared so far up his own ass, that he's gonna pop our of his own mouth!!!
Give me a break .. he's a whimping cry baby twat, with a completely warped sense of reality. ANYBODY who disputes what i've just written must be as deluded as he is!


Posted by: Geeza at July 25, 2003 05:41 PM

Personally I thought his farts smelt of roses when i interviewed him.
He can Babysit for me Anyday!

Mr Basheer

Posted by: Martin Basheer at July 25, 2003 05:45 PM

right, he has sold the most records, bigest tours could he be bank rupt the problem with his latest album invincable was that it was not advertised and it still sold millions, hes the most well known perosn in the world, n e way im into heavy metal like tool and korn but i belive that he is not as bad as wot ppl say.

Posted by: toolfan69 at July 29, 2003 11:54 PM

MJ is not the best selling artist, Elvis is with estimated 1 billion records sold world wide, increasing. Check it out guys, please! The day MJ is bankrupt I'm opening a bottle of Moet Chandon...

Posted by: Crank Harber at August 8, 2003 01:42 AM

god dammit, im a sick and tired of ppl commenting on MJ when they dont even no the man. he earnt his money and he is living it up. i agree that the media hate him, and want him 2 be bankrupt. he has very good royalties and his kids are set for life. he is the king of pop. he is a phenominal dancer, and no one will ever come close 2 him. he is the most well known richest celeb 2 day. mr jackson is a billion dollar man, good luck 2 him, i hope i meet him one day.

Posted by: sean at August 30, 2003 10:29 PM

people should leave him alone. he cant be bankrupt. he had to much money

Posted by: MJ FAN!!!!!! at September 11, 2003 07:19 PM

MJ Owns 50% of the beatles, along with Sony! Which includedes sonys music and michaels, Michael Jackson is in debt by 200million, but still even with all his debsts he is worth over $500million... source: VH1 The Fabulosu Life of MJ. LOL...He will never be bankrupt he owns absolutely loads.

Posted by: Ryan at September 25, 2003 02:55 PM

Geez... Whatever he owns or doesn't own ... no one really cares. Fact is that, no matter how rich or poor he is financially he's completely on the decline and the fact that he's got his "nr ones" album out now just shows he wants to re-heat all the ancient hits. Loads of bands and singers do that, I know but not at the bottom of their carreer. For me this is one fucking pitiful attempt to get popular. The only thing that keeps him in the news these days is this *hang the baby out the window* scandal and his ugly face. No grudge, I cherish him for all the good tracks he made but every good guy needs to know when to draw the line. He's deteriorated from a pop king into a sellout.

Posted by: Numbness at November 13, 2003 02:38 PM

Geez... Whatever he owns or doesn't own ... no one really cares. Fact is that, no matter how rich or poor he is financially he's completely on the decline and the fact that he's got his "nr ones" album out now just shows he wants to re-heat all the ancient hits. Loads of bands and singers do that, I know but not at the bottom of their carreer. For me this is one fucking pitiful attempt to get popular. The only thing that keeps him in the news these days is this *hang the baby out the window* scandal and his ugly face. No grudge, I cherish him for all the good tracks he made but every good guy needs to know when to draw the line. He's deteriorated from a pop king into a sellout.

Posted by: Numbness at November 13, 2003 02:38 PM

He definitely has talent. I don't think anyone questions that.

But I think he was abused as a child and held up to an untenable standard by his perfectionist father. So it is no wonder that he is psychologically screwed up. He probably seeks plastic surgery and little boys to wipe out his connection with the past and recapture his childhood that never was. He just can't help it, poor bastard.

I think he has molested children and will again. He is just another sad entertainer whose bank account grew before his maturity and ability to deal with the world.

Posted by: Matt at November 19, 2003 11:31 AM

This is pretty funny. A few of you claim you "know" him, a few of you claim you know all about his finances, belongings, etc... Every one of you claim something different.

Turn off the television, quit reading the paper, unplug the phone line and drink some beer. If you don't drink beer, then have a Vanilla Pepsi (it's better than Vanilla Coke).

Quit with all the gossip...

Posted by: Enough at November 20, 2003 12:48 PM

MJ's talent is questionable. There are many people who can dance better, sing better, and write better songs than him. However, he was definately the biggest phenomenon since the Beatles, though his music won't live on forever like the Beatles' will. Unfortunately, he must have some sort of personality disorder and it turned him into a freak... just look at his mug shot! And he justifies sleeping in the same bed as little children?! Come on, gimme a break. If it wasn't for that interview where he said, I'd just feel sorry for him. And as far as missing out on a normal childhood goes for excusing anything, think about how many other famous people turned out just fine. That common explanation for his behavior is meaningless. And to all the black people out there who defend him just because he's black, think about his quest to become white. Doesn't that mean he's ashamed of being black? Shame on him!

Posted by: Alex at November 22, 2003 01:34 AM

MJ. Molestedme when i was little so wat?? all you idiot leave him alone. I still visit him sometime because my parents wants me to go over. Fuckin gold digger shit..

Posted by: james karter at November 24, 2003 04:11 AM

Hi mY name is kevin and yes i was molested by him while my cousin record it. I did it because my cousin want to reveal it on the internet. WAt do paris hilton tape got on our tape with micheal

Posted by: Kevin Lam at November 24, 2003 04:14 AM

You People who like MJ so much are pretty damn stupid. How in the fuck can you like a child molestor? unless you are one yourself. Some of you say he didn't do it, yeah that is why he just got busted again, who is he paying off this time? I wish they would fry this sick ass piece of shit.

Posted by: Jay at November 24, 2003 05:22 AM

Elvis has never sold 1 billion records, u dumbass. If so, he would have had many Thriller-like albums,which he never had. His biggest seller ever(2002's 30#1 hits)sold 9 million copies worldwide.On the other hand, Jackson's Thriller sold close to 60 million worldwide, incl.some 28 million in US alone.Therefore ,MJ is the best selling artist ever, he even received the Artist of the Century award at the 2002 American music Awards

Posted by: rikta at December 15, 2003 02:49 AM

mj is a multi billionaire,he,has won the artist of the millineium twice,no other artist in history ,has won the artist of the millineum, only michael jackson.mj is the king of pop,rock and soul.

Posted by: eddie at January 6, 2004 09:58 AM

Michael Is the greatest artist in history and the artist millenium awards prove it oh and the guiness world records,he has the record for havingthe most records and lets nit mention thriller over 60 million sold worldwide and thats not by my words Michael jackson said that on the internat

Posted by: Kelvin at January 24, 2004 07:43 PM

michael Is better than Elvis Presley and should of been ahead of him on the 200 greatest pop culture icons, and madonna and especially oprah

Posted by: Kelvin at January 24, 2004 07:47 PM

OK, I dont know if MJ is near bankruptcy or if he molested those kids but I think everybody has forgotten all the millions of dollars Michael has spent helping hungry and sick people around the world, I mean, name other person that has spent all this money helping those people, NOBODY. There are people who have more money than michael and havent bothered to spent a single cent helping sick or hungry people, and now that there is finally someone like Michael doing all that charity, and all these people just want to take his money away ? You think all the people who want a piece of michael's money are going to donate that much money to charity ? yeah right, they are probably going to spend it on cars, houses, jewelry and stuff like that, so I really dont get it, they want to put an end to a man who helps millions of people, THATS RIDICULOUS, that is just a proof that these people,the media or whoever is tryng to put michael in bankruptcy, they dont care about sick and hungry people

Posted by: julian at February 19, 2004 10:27 PM

you fucks need to die

Posted by: cheese at April 13, 2004 08:57 AM

The next news story: Michael Jackson in bankruptcy court. That bastard is finaly going down.

Posted by: JM at May 26, 2004 03:10 AM


Posted by: Kevtron at June 25, 2004 05:01 AM



- the most quantity of records concerned to a person listed ever
in Guinness Book of Worldwide Records:
10 - Guinness Book of Worldwide Records 2000/Millenium Edition;
- the biggest selling international (outside USA) album of
"Dangerous" - 20 million international retail sales;
- the second biggest selling international album of all time:
"Dangerous" - 20 million international retail sales, after
"Thriller" 27 million copies internationally sold at retail;
- the biggest selling international artist/group of 90s/decade:
Michael Jackson - more than 70 million albums internationally
- the biggest selling artist/group of decade:
Michael Jackson - 123 million records, including 95 million
albums were sold at retail this decade;
- the biggest selling male solo album of 90s/decade:
"Dangerous" - 26 million copies sold at retail with total
shipments about 30 million copies worldwide;
- the biggest selling rock song of 90s/decade:
"Black Or White" - 5 million copies worldwide;
- the most copied song of 90s/decade:
"Black Or White" - 53 million copies worldwide (30 million shipt
with "Dangerous" album, 18 million shipt with "HIStory - Past,
Present and Future - Book I" and 5 million singles were sold at
- the most copied rock song of 90s/decade:
"Black Or White" - 53 million copies worldwide;
- the second most copied rock song ever:
"Black Or White" - 53 million copies worldwide. It is second
result to "Beat It" - 76 million copies (56 million shipt with
"Thriller", 18 million shipt with "HIStory - Past, Present and
Future - Book I" and about 2 million singles sold at retail)
- the third biggest selling male solo album of 90s/decade:
"HIStory - Past, Present and Future - Book I" - 15 million
copies at retail (18 million wholesale shipt);
- the biggest selling boxed set/double album of 90s/decade:
"HIStory - Past, Present and Future - Book I" - 15 million
copies at retail (18 million wholesale shipt);

- the biggest price ever paid for award on auction:
$1,542,500 - paid by Michael Jackson for the best picture Oscar
for "Gone With The Wind".
The previous record set in 1996, was US$ 607,500 for an Oscar
won by Clark Gable for the film 'It Happened One Night';
- the most hits for a single online broadcast:
10 million; "Michael Jackson and Friends"
Munich charity concert; expired;
- largest number of charity organizations supported by a singer:
39 - Michael Jackson supported 39 charity organizations, either
by donations to support their projects or by participating in
their anonymous auctions. Amongst these organizations are: AIDS
Project L.A., American Cancer Society, BMI Foundation, Inc.,
Childhelp USA, United Negro College Fund (UNCF), YMCA - 28th
Street/Crenshaw, The Sickle Cell Research Foundation and
Volunteers of America;

- the biggest selling remix album of all time:
"Blood On The Dance Floor/HIStory In The Mix", 4.6 million
- the most quantity of artist/group's records sold
during album promotion campaign ever:
"HIStory - Past, Present and Future - Book I" has brought up to
65 million records: 54 million albums and 11 million singles;
- the biggest music industry project ever:
"HIStory - Past, Present and Future - Book I" has brought about
$1.1 billion to music industry;
- the biggest music industry artist/group project ever:
Michael Jackson - more than $5 billion total industry income;
- the biggest investment contract by artist/group ever:
$1.5 billion investments in 50% of Jackson-Barden Enterprises

- the most international artist ever:
100 million albums outside USA - the first and the only
- the biggest attendance on Wembley Stadium:
1 million for 15 shows from 1988 to 1997. UK;
- the biggest artist/group tour in Germany ever:
"HIStory World Tour", attendance - 650 thousand. Germany;
- the biggest artist/group tour ever:
"HIStory World Tour", attendance - 4.5 million;
- the biggest selling remix album in UK:
"Blood On The Dance Floor/HIStory In The Mix", more than 500
thousand copies. UK;
-- the second biggest entertainment-concerned charity act ever:
"Diana Tribute" two disc boxed set - $84 million. Michael
Jackson contributed "Gone Too Soon" song for the boxed set;

- the biggest award show TV-audience in UK ever:
16 million viewers - "Brit Awards". Michael Jackson was present
at the awards ceremony and performed. UK;
- the biggest selling box set/double album of all time:
"HIStory - Past, Present and Future - Book I", 11 million copies
sold to early 1996;
- the biggest selling box set/double album of all time in UK:
"HIStory - Past, Present and Future - Book I", 1.1 million
copies sold to early 1996. UK;
- the most expensive video of all time:
"Ghosts" - undisclosed figure;
- the longest video ever:
"Ghosts" - 39 minutes long;
- the most World Music Awards for am artist/group in one year:
5 categories - "Best Selling Record of All Time" (Thriller),
"Best Selling Male Artist of 1995", "Best Selling American
Artist", "Best Selling R&B Artist", and "Best Selling Artist
- the biggest stage and best characteristics ever to
provide tour performances:
"HIStory World Tour"; partially expired;
- the most expensive concert outfit:
"HIStory World Tour" - undisclosed figure;

- most expensive album promotion campaign in history:
"HIStory - Past, Present and Future - Book I" - Jackson's record
company Sony reportedly spend US$ 40 million on the release of
the album in the USA, Great Britain, Italy, Australia, Japan,
South Africa and the Netherlands. Amongst the promotional
campaigns was a 9.1 m high, inflatable statue of the star on the
Tower Records building in Hollywood (USA), a huge sign at the
Times Square, New York City (USA), and another statue which was
floating down the Themse in London (GB) on a barge;
- the most expensive album cover image ever:
"HIStory - Past, Present and Future - Book I" - $1 million;
- the most expensive video of all time:
"Scream" - around $7 million; expired in 1996 with "Ghosts"
- highest debut of a song on the US Billboard Hot 100 Singles
#5 - "Scream". Michael Jackson thus broke a 25-year old record
set by The Beatles, whose single "Let It Be" debuted at #6 in
1970; expired only weeks later by Michael Jackson's own single
"You Are Not Alone" which debuted at #1. USA;
- the fastest selling box set/double album ever:
"HIStory - Past, Present and Future - Book I" - 7.5 million
copies were sold within the first 37 days;
- highest debut of a song on the US Billboard Hot 100 Singles
Charts ever:
"You Are Not Alone" - #1. USA;
- longest period between first and last #1 hit in the career of
a solo artist on the US charts in history:
22 years and 11 months - Michael Jackson had his first #1 hit as
a solo artist in October 1972 with "Ben" and his last #1 song
was "You Are Not Alone" in September 1995. Before his first solo
#1 Jackson furthermore had 4 #1 hits as the lead singer of The
Jackson 5. The first #1 of the group was "I Want You Back" in
1970 - that summarizes a time period of unbelievable 25 years.
- the biggest music publishing deal ever:
merging of Michael Jackson's ATV Publishing and Sony Publishing
in Sony/ATV Publishing with equal share and total cost up to $1
billion. Michael Jackson was paid $110 million for this
- the biggest earnings of artist in one year:
at least $120 million from sales of Michael Jackson's records;
- most quantity of an artist/group's albums sold in one year
30 million - Michael Jackson;

- the biggest selling male solo album of decade:
"Dangerous" - 23 million copies sold at retail worldwide;
- the biggest selling international album of decade:
"Dangerous" - 17 million copies outside USA at retail;
- the most quantity of artist/group records sold during album
promotion campaign ever:
"Dangerous" has brought 57 million records: 40 million albums
and 17 million singles; expired with "HIStory - Past, Present
and Future - Book I" box set campaign ending in 1997;

- the biggest TV audience ever:
"US Super Bowl XXVII" (January 1993) - 133.4 million viewers.
Michael Jackson performed a spectacular half-time show at the
event. USA;
- the biggest TV talk show audience ever:
"Michael Jackson talks to... Oprah" - 100 million. USA;
- the #4 biggest TV audience ever:
"Michael Jackson talks to... Oprah" - 100 million. USA;
- largest number of singles released ever from an
album ever:
"Dangerous" - 9 singles: "Black Or White", "Remember The Time",
"In The Closet", "Who Is It", "Jam", "Heal The World", "Give In
To Me", "Will You Be There", "Gone Too Soon";
- the biggest quantity of singles sold during album promotion:
17 million copies - "Dangerous" album promotion (9 singles);
- the biggest artist/group tour in Mexico:
"Dangerous World Tour" - 5 shows with more than 500 thousand
attendance and $12 million income. Mexico;
- the second biggest entertainment-concerned charity act ever:
around $70 million of net income from "Dangerous World Tour";
expired with 1997' "Diana Tribute" project, in which Michael
Jackson contributed "Gone Too Soon" song for the boxed set;
- largest deal in music publishing history:
administration of ATV Publishing (Michael Jackson's music
catalogue) was moved from MCA Music to EMI Music Publishing for
reportedly US$ 200 million - with an up-front payment of US$ 100
expired in 1995 with ATV-Sony deal;

- the biggest selling rock song single ever:
"Black Or White" - 5 million copies;
- the most expensive video outfit:
"Remember The Time" - undisclosed figure;
- the biggest stage and best characteristics ever to
provide tour performances:
"Dangerous World Tour"; expired;
- the biggest cable TV audience:
"Dangerous World Tour" concert from Budapest, approximately 250
- the most paid concert ever:
"Dangerous World Tour" concert from Budapest - $20 million paid
by HBO;
- the biggest selling artist of al time:
300 million records combined to late 1992;
- best-selling album of 1992:

- the most expensive outfit's element:
Michael Jackson's glove - $29 thousand;
- the most worth artist/group ever:
around $3 billion - estimated by Sony Corporation [Japan] during
negotiating with MJJ Productions; profits and risks from release
of six albums were considered;
- the biggest entertainment contract ever:
$890 million - between MJJ Productions/Mijac Music/MJJ
Ventures/Optimum Production and Epic Records Group/Sony Music
Entertainment/Sony Corporation [Japan]/Warner Timerlane/Warner
Chappell). It is about 15 years, six-albums and films. Michael
Jackson received a US$ 18 million payment in advance for the
forthcoming album plus US$ 5 million bonus for each album.
Furthermore he will receive US$ 1 million per year being the CEO
of his own record label, Nation Records;
- the most paid artist/group ever:
at least 25% is from sales;
- the biggest audience ever to view a music video:
"Black Or White" - around 500 million during its first worldwide
broadcast on November, 11 of 1991;
- highest-climbing single on the US Billboard Pop Singles charts
since "Let It Be" by The Beatles:
"Black Or White" - it climbed from #35 to #3. In 1970 "Let It
Be" climbed to #2. USA;
- shortest time-period to reach #1 on the US Pop Singles charts:
3 weeks - "Black Or White". The single sold 500,00 copies within
this time period. The single thus equals The Beatles' "Get It
Back" which reached #1 that quickly in 1969. USA;
- highest airplay of a music video on MTV:
"Black Or White". USA;
- fastest-selling album in GB in history:
"Dangerous" - more than 200,000 copies sold in 3 shopping days
(estimation by Sony Music Entertainment). UK;
- the fastest selling album of all time:
"Dangerous" - 14 million copies were sold within the first 37
days after the album's release;
- first and only artist/group in history to have #1 hits on the
US Billboard charts in the '70s, '80s and '90s:
Michael Jackson. USA;
- first and only voice in history to be in #1 hits on the US
Billboard charts in the four decades: 7th (1961-1970), 8th
(1971-1980), 9th (1981-1990), 10th (1991-2000):
Michael Jackson. USA;

- the biggest selling artist/group of decade:
100 million Epic solo records sold during 80s (excluding
Motown's records);
- the biggest selling album of 80s/decade:
"Thriller" - 41 million copies sold at retail;
- the second biggest selling album of 80s/decade:
"Bad" - 21 million copies sold at retail;
- the most copied song of 80s/decade:
"Billie Jean" - 44 million copies (41 million in "Thriller"
album and about 3 million singles);
- the most copied rock song of 80s/decade:
"Beat It" - 43 million copies (41 million in "Thriller" album
and about 2 million singles);
- highest price paid for a painting in the world of subject
still living ever:
$2.1 million - paid by Hiromichi Saeki Corp. for
Brett-Livingstone Strong's painting "The Book" - a painting of
Michael Jackson;
- the most quantity of #1 hits of the '80s in USA:
10 - "Rock With You", "Billie Jean", "Beat It", "Say, Say, Say",
"We Are The World", "I Just Can't Stop Loving You", "Bad", "The
Way You Make Me Feel", "Man In The Mirror", "Dirty Diana". USA;

- the biggest artist/group's tour ever:
"Bad World Tour" - 4.4 million attendance; expired with "HIStory
World Tour" in 1997;
- the biggest earnings from tour ever:
"Bad World Tour" - $125 million; expired;
- highest-paid entertainer of 1989 by "Forbes" magazine:
Michael Jackson - estimated earnings of $125 million;
- the most expensive sponsoring project:
"Bad World Tour" for Pepsi Co. - $10 million; expired with $12
million for "Dangerous World Tour"in 1993;
- the biggest selling music video ever:
"Moonwalker" - 2 million copies;
- the biggest selling music video ever in USA:
"Moonwalker" - 700 thousand copies. Within 2 weeks after its
release "Moonwalker" outsells "The Making Of Thriller" which was
the best-selling music video beforehand. Thus Michael Jackson
has the #1 and had #2 spot in this category. USA;
- first artist with 3 consecutive albums that spent a hundred or
more weeks on the charts in GB:
With "Off The Wall", "Thriller" and "Bad" Michael is the 5th
artist (after The Beatles, Simon & Garfunkel, Phil Collins and
U2) to achieve this goal. The Dire Straits are leading in this
category with 5 such albums. UK;
- most hits from a single album ever:
9 - "Bad" album: "I Just Can't Stop Loving You", "Bad", "The Way
You Make Me Feel", "Man In The Mirror", Dirty Diana", "Another
Part Of Me", "Smooth Criminal", "Leave Me Alone", "Liberian
- the second biggest selling album of all time:
"Bad" - 20 million copies to 1990; expired;
- the biggest selling artist's album of all time in UK:
"Bad", 3.2 million copies to 1989. UK;

- highest grossing at the Kemper Arena, Kansas City (USA):
$700,000 - for 2 sell-out concerts (February 23 and 24) during
the "Bad World Tour". The previous record was held by Elvis
Presley with US$ 500,000. USA;
- first advertisements to be aired in the Soviet Union (USSR;
now Russian Federation as assignee):
Michael Jackson's Pepsi commercials. USSR;
- the most-watched commercial in advertising history:
"Chase," a four-part Pepsi ad featuring Michael Jackson in his
first-ever episodic commercial, airs during the Grammy awards;
- the most expensive rights on book publishing:
$5-15 million paid by Doubleday Publishing to Michael Jackson
for autobiographical book "The Moonwalk";
- first artist to have 3 albums in the USA with sales of more
than 6 million copies each:
Michael Jackson - "Off The Wall", "Thriller", and "Bad". USA;
- fastest-selling video in GB in history:
"Michael Jackson: The Legend Continues...". UK;
- highest figure paid to a commercial spokesperson in history:
$12-15 million - paid by Pepsi Co. in March 1988 to do four TV
- most concert dates played at the Wembley Stadium, London (GB)
7 - "Bad World Tour" (July 14-16, 22-23). The sell-out concerts
were attended by 504,000 people. UK;
- most successful concert series in history:
Total attendance: 504,000 - achieved during 7 "Bad World Tour"
concerts in a row at the "Wembley Stadium", London (GB) (July
14-16, 22-23). UK;
- highest concert attendance at Aintree Raceground, Liverpool
(GB) ever:
125,000 people - Michael Jackson's "Bad World Tour" concert. UK;
- largest tour in GB in history:
"Bad World Tour" with a total attendance of over 800,000
people - grossing more than 13 million Pounds. UK;
- highest quantity of #1 consecutive hits from one album on the
US Billboard Hot 100 Singles charts:
5 - "Bad" album: "I Just Can't Stop Loving You", "Bad", "The Way
You Make Me Feel", "Man In The Mirror", "Dirty Diana". USA;
- highest quantity of #1 consecutive hits on the US Billboard
Hot 100 Singles charts:
6 - "We Are The World", "I Just Can't Stop Loving You", "Bad",
"The Way You Make Me Feel", "Man In The Mirror", "Dirty Diana".
- first artist to have 4 #1 singles from one album in history of
from "Bad" - "I Just Can't Stop Loving You", "Bad", "The Way You
Make Me Feel", "Man In The Mirror"
Only the soundtrack album "Saturday Night Fever" was also able
to release 4 #1 singles. USA;
- highest quantity of #1 consecutive hits on the US Black
Singles charts from one album:
5 - Michael Jackson's "Bad" & Janet Jackson's "Control". USA;
- highest number of #1 hits on the US Black Singles charts in
9 - Michael Jackson. USA;
- longest time period in history that an album spends on the Top
Five of the US Billboard Pop Album charts in history:
"Bad" - 38 weeks. This breaks a previous record of 26 weeks
which was held by The Eagles ("Hotel California"). USA;
- highest-paid entertainer of 1988 by "Forbes" magazine:
$97 million;

- the most quantity of orders-in-advance for an album ever:
"Bad" - undisclosed figure; expired;
- fastest-selling album in GB in history:
"Bad" - 350,000 copies sold in 5 shopping days;expired with
"Dangerous" in 1991. UK;
- the longest video ever:
"Bad" - 18 minutes; expired with Meat Loaf's video (28 minutes)
in 1996 and further by "Ghosts" (39 minutes);
- highest number of countries where an album reached #1:
25 countries - "Bad";
- largest attendance at the Tokyo Dome (Tokyo/Japan):
"Bad World Tour" (December 9-11, 17-19, 24-26). Attendance was
reported to be four times greater than for any other tour;
- the biggest artist/group's tour ever in Japan:
"Bad World Tour" - 450 thousand in 14 concerts. Japan;
- best-selling album of 1987:

- the most expensive video/movie per minute ever:
"Captain Eo" - $30 million for 17 minutes film;

- the fastest selling single of all time:
"We Are The World" - 800 thousand copies were sold in the first
week of release. USA; expired;
- the biggest selling single of all time:
"We Are The World" - more than 6 million copies; expired;
- the biggest entertainment-concerning charity act ever:
"We Are The World" - $60 million raised. The biggest
result ever taking into account inflation - equal to $90m for
- the biggest selling music video in UK ever:
"The Making Of Thriller" - 130 thousand copies to 1985. UK;
expired with "Moonwalker" in 1989;
- the biggest selling music video ever:
"The Making Of Thriller" - 1 million copies to 1985; expired
with "Moonwalker" in 1989;
- second best-selling group in history:
"The Jacksons" - about 100 million records sold to 1985. Only
"The Beatles" sold more records; expired;

- largest number of American Music Awards for an artist in one
year in history:
8 - Award of Merit, Favourite Pop Album ("Thriller"), Favourite
Soul Album ("Thriller"), Favourite Pop Single ("Billie Jean"),
Favourite Pop Video ("Beat It"), Favourite Soul Video ("Beat
It"), Favourite Pop/Rock Male Artist, Favourite Soul Male
Vocalist. USA;
- youngest artist to receive the American Music Awards of Merit
in history:
Age: 25. USA;
- the least number of week needed to reach the US Billboard Hot
100 Singles Charts Top Ten:
"Thriller" single ties with John Lennon's "Imagine" (1971) - 2
weeks. USA; expired finally with 1995's "You Are Not Alone";
- most Grammy awards and nominations for an artist in a single
year in history:
8 and 12, respectively. Awards: Album Of The Year ("Thriller"),
Best Pop Male Vocal (""Thriller"), Record Of The Year ("Beat
It"), Best Rock Male Vocal ("Beat It"), Best R&B Male Vocal
("Billie Jean"), Best New Song Of The Year ("Billie Jean"),
Producer Of The Year (Michael Jackson and Quincy Jones), Best
Children's Recording ("E.T. : The Extra Terrestrial");
- first artist/group to receive both the NARM Gift Of Music
Awards for "Best Selling Album" and "Best Selling Single" ever:
"Thriller" album and "Billie Jean" single, respectively. USA;
- the most expensive artist/group's advertising contract ever:
Pepsi Co. - undisclosed figure; expired with 1988' and 1991'
Michael Jackson's contracts;
- record attendance at the Arrowhead Stadium, Kansas City
(Missouri/ USA):
attendance: 135,000 - during 3 sold-out shows of the "Victory
Tour" (The Jacksons). The previous record was 58,000 (1977).
- fastest-selling tickets in New York (USA):
The Jackson's Victory concerts dates at Giants Stadium (July
29-31) and Madison Square Garden (August 4-5) - 165,000 tickets
were sold in less than 9 hours. USA; expired;
- best-selling tour tickets:
1.1 million tickets for The Jackson's "Victory" tour sold in
just 2 months;
- first human-being to receive d2 stars on the Walk of Fame in
Michael Jackson - one as a member of The Jacksons, one as a solo
artist. USA;
- the biggest stage and best characteristics ever to
provide tour performances:
The Jacksons' "Victory Tour"; expired;
- highest-grossing concert tour ever:
The Jacksons' "Victory" tour -$75-90 million; expired;
- the biggest selling album of all time:
"Thriller" - 30 million copies;
- the biggest selling album of all time in USA:
"Thriller" - 18 million copies. USA; expired;
- the biggest artist/group's single advertising contract:
LA Gear - $20 million;
- highest quantity of singles from an album that reached the US
Billboard Pop Singles charts Top Ten:
7 - " The Girl Is Mine", "Billie Jean", "Beat It", "Wanna Be
Startin' Somethin'", "Human Nature", "P.Y.T", "Thriller". The
previous record had been 4 Top Ten singles. USA;
- longest time period that an album by an artist - which is no
soundtrack - spends on the US Pop Contemporary Album charts in
37 weeks - "Thriller". Thus it beats the record established by
Harry Belafonte's album "Calypso". Only soundtrack albums stayed
on the #1 spot longer than "Thriller": "The Broadway Cast Album
For South Pacific" (69 weeks) and "West Side Story" (54 weeks).
- best-selling album of 1984:

- first album in history to be #1 on the charts in USA and GB
"Thriller". USA, UK;
- first song/single in history to be #1 on the US Billboard's
Rock Albums, Rock Singles as well as R&B Albums and R&B Singles
charts simultaneously:
"Billie Jean" single. USA;
- the youngest artist to have 10 million copies of one
album sold in USA:
Michael Jackson, 25 years. USA; expired;
- the youngest male artist to have 10 million copies of one
album sold in USA:
Michael Jackson, 25 years. USA;
- the most expensive video ever:
"Thriller" - $800 thousand; expired;
- the longest video ever:
"Thriller" - 14 minutes; expired with "Bad" in 1987;
- the most quantity of awards and nominations to
artist/group ever:
more than 50 certifications in one year;
- the most quantity of songs of an artist in US Billboard
Singles charts Top Ten in single year:
7 songs - "The Girl Is Mine", "Billie Jean", "Beat It", "Wanna
Be Startin' Somethin'", "Human Nature", "P.Y.T", "Say, Say,
Say". USA;
- first and only album in history to start and end a year at #1
of the US Billboard Album charts:
"Thriller"; USA;
- best-selling album of 1983:

- first solo artist to release 4 Top Ten singles from one album
in the USA:
Michael Jackson - "Off The Wall": "Don't Stop 'Til You Get
Enough", "Off The Wall", "Rock With You", "She's Out Of My
Life". USA;
- first artist to release 5 Top Ten singles from one album in
Michael Jackson - "Off The Wall": "Don't Stop 'Til You Get
Enough", "Off The Wall", "Rock With You", "She's Out Of My Life,
"Girlfriend". UK;

- first black group to tour Australia in history:
Jackson 5; Australia;

- the youngest artist ever to have Billboard awards:
Michael Jackson - 2 awards. USA;
- record attendance at the Liverpool Empire's (GB):
Jackson 5 - during their first tour in GB. The record had
previously been held by "The Beatles". UK;

- the youngest voice to be on #1 hit in USA:
"I Want You Back" - a Jackson 5 song. Michael was 11 years and 5
months old. USA;
- the first artist/group to have their first three releases go
to #1 hits on the USA charts:
Jackson 5. "I Want You Back", "ABC" and "The Love You Save".
- the first artist/group to have four consecutive #1 hits in
Jackson 5. "I Want You Back", "ABC", "The Love You Save" and
"I'll Be There". USA;
- the fastest selling newcomer group ever:
Jackson 5. USA - 10 million records in the first year; expired;
- the biggest selling group of 1970:
Jackson 5 - more than 10 million records sold at retail

NAACP Image Awards:
Best Singing Group of the Year - The Jackson 5 (January)

'Sixteen' and 'Spec' Magazines' Awards:
Best Group of the Year - The Jackson 5.
Best Single of the Year for "I'll Be There"

Grammy Awards:
Best Pop Song, "ABC"

NAACP Image Awards:
Best Singing Group of the Year - The Jackson 5 (January)

Billboard Magazine Awards:
Names Michael Jackson as Top Singles Artist
Top Singles Male Vocalist of the year. (December)

Golden Globe Awards:

NAACP Image Awards:
Male Vocal Group or the Year: The Jackson 5

'Sixteen' And Spec Magazine (Annual Gold Star Awards):
Best Singer (Michael Jackson)
Best Single Of The Year ("Rockin' Robin")
(February 26)

The National Academy Of Recording Arts & Sciences:
Best Rhythm and Blues Vocals (Jackson 5)

U.S. Congress:
Special Commendation For Positive Role Models

Key to the City of Buffalo
The Jackson 5 receive the Key to the City of Buffalo from Mayor Stanley Makowski.

The Organization Of African Unity:
For strengthening Afro-Americans (Jackson 5)

Congressional Black Caucus
The Jackson 5 are made Honorary Members of the Congressional Black Caucus.

American Music Awards:
Favorite Male Soul Artist - Michael Jackson
Favorite Soul Album, "Off The Wall"
Favorite Soul Single, "Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough"
(January 18)

Billboard Awards:
Number 1 Top Black Artist of The Year.
Number 1 Black Album Of The Year 'Off The wall'.
Number 2 Top Pop Male Artist Of The Year.
Number 3 Top Pop Album Of The Year 'Off The Wall'.
Number 2 Top Black Single Of The Year 'Rock With You'.
Number 4 Top Pop Single Of The Year 'Rock With You'.

Soul Album of the Year, "Off The Wall"

Grammy Awards:
Best R&B Performance, "Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough"
(First Grammy as a solo performer, Feb. 27)

Hollywood Walk of Fame:
Jacksons receive a Star on the Hollywood Blvd. (Sep. 3)

NAACP Image Awards:
Best Singing Group Of The Year - The Jacksons

American Music Awards:
Favorite Male Vocalist - Soul/R&B
Favorite Album - Soul/R&B, "Off The Wall"
(Jan. 30)

Billboard Magazine Year End Charts (Shows The Jacksons ranking):
Number 10 Top Black Album 'Triumph'.
Number 10 Top Black Artist.
Number 4 Top Dance Artist.
Number 4 Top Audience Response for 'Can You Feel It'.

British Phonographic Industry Awards:
"Off The Wall" Album

Soul Album of the Year, "Off The Wall"

NAACP Image Awards:
Best Singing Group of the Year - The Jacksons

Billboard Awards
Pop Album of the Year - Thriller
Pop Artist of the Year
Black Album - Thriller
Black Artist of the Year
Pop Album Artist
Pop Male Album Artist
Pop Male Singles Artist
Black Album Artist
Black Singles Artist
Pop Singles Artist
Dance/Disco Artist
Dance/Disco 12" LP - Billie Jean
Dance/Disco 12" LP - Beat It

Billboard Year End Chart:
Best Selling Singles of the Year: 'Billie Jean' (2), 'Say, Say, Say' (4), 'Beat It' (8), 'The Girl Is Mine' (20).

Billboard Video Awards
Best Performance by a Male Artist
Best Overall Video - Beat It
Best Performance by a Male Artist Best Choreography - Beat It
Best Use Of Video To Enhance Artist's Song - Beat It
Best Use Of Video To Enhance Artist's Image - Beat It

Black Gold Awards
Top Male Vocalist
Best Album - Thriller
Best Single of the Year - Billie Jean
Best Video Performance - Beat It
Black Radio Artist Of The Year Award

Black Radio Exclusive Awards:
Artist Of The Year

Number One Male Artist
Top Black Male Artist
Top Pop Album: Thriller
Top Black Album: Thriller
Top Male - Singles Artist
Top Black Male - Singles Artist
Top Pop Single - Billie Jean
Top Black Single - Billie Jean

Rolling Stone
Readers Poll - #1 Artist of the Year
Readers Poll - #1 Soul Artist
Readers Poll - #1 Video - Beat It
Readers Poll - #1 Producer (with Quincy Jones)
Critics Poll - #1 Artist of the Year
Critics Poll - #1 Video - Beat It
Critics Poll - #1 Male Vocalist
Critics Poll - #1 Soul Artist

International Awards:
Album Of The Year - U.K, Japan, Australia, Holland
Artist Of The Year - U.K, Italy, Japan
International Artist Of The Year - Brazil
Record Of The Year - Greece
Best Male Vocalist - Japan
Most Important Foreign Album - Spain
Single Of The Year – Australia

American Music Awards
Special Award Of Merit - Michael Jackson (youngest artist to receive this award)
Favorite Album-Pop/Rock - Thriller
Favorite Album-Soul/R&B - Thriller
Favorite Male Vocalist - Soul/R&B
Favorite Male Vocalist - Pop/Rock
Favorite Single-Pop/Rock - Billie Jean
Favorite Video-Pop/Rock - Beat It
Favorite Video-Soul/R&B - Beat It
(Jan. 16)

American Video Awards
Best Long Form Video
Best Home Video
(MJ wins four of the eight categories)

Billboard Magazine's Year End Awards
Number 1 Pop Album 'Thriller'
Number 2 Black Album
Number 2 Top Pop Artist
Number 3 Top Single 'Say, Say, Say'
Number 6 Top Black Artist

The Annual Black Gold Awards
Top Male Vocalist
Best Video Performance 'Beat It'
Beat Single Record of The Year 'Billie Jean'
Best Album Of The Year 'Thriller'
(Jan. 11)

Canadian Black Music Awards
Top Male Vocalist
Entertainer of the Year
Top International Album - Thriller
Top International Single - Billie Jean

Crystal Globe Awards
Exceeding Record Sales Over 5 Million Outside the U.S.

Ebony Magazine Award

Fashion Foundation Of America (FFA) "America's Best Dressed Man" Award
43rd annual survey of custom tailors and designers name Michael Jackson, President Reagan and The Archbishop of New York as America's best-dressed men. (May)

Grammy Awards
Michael receives a record breaking 12 nominations and a record breaking 8 Grammy awards - the most won by an artist in one year.
Album Of The Year - Thriller
Record Of The Year - Beat It
Best Male Pop Performance - Thriller
Producer Of The Year (with Quincy Jones) - Thriller
Best Male Rock Vocal Performance - Beat It
Best Male R&B Vocal Performance - Billie Jean
Best New R&B Song - Billie Jean
Best Recording For Children - E.T. The Extra Terrestrial Album (narration by Michael Jackson)
(Feb. 28)

Guinness Book Of Records
Best Selling Album Of All Time - Thriller
Michael, along with 15,000 invited guests attend the New York Metropolitan Museum of National History to receive awards from CBS and The Guinness Book Of World Records. To date 'Thriller' has sold over 25 million copies worldwide -more then any other album in recording history. Michael is presented with the first edition of the 1984 paperback version of The Guinness Book Of World Records, which he receives from Norris McWhirter.
(Feb. 7)

Hollywood Walk of Fame Star - Michael Jackson
With Star No. 1,793 in front Mann's Chinese Theater, Michael becomes the first celebrity to have two different stars dedicated to him, having received one as a member of The Jacksons in the 70's and 80's. (Nov. 20)

Hotel Royal Plaza
Presentation Casement - 37 Gold & Platinum Discs

MTV Awards
Viewers Choice Award - Thriller
Best Overall Video - Thriller
Best Choreography - Thriller
(Sep. 14, First Annual MTV Video Awards)

NAACP Image Awards
H. Claude Hudson Medal Of Freedom
While on the road with the Victory tour, Michael and Tito accept the NAACP's Dr. H. Claude Hudson Medal of Freedom Award and the 1984 Olympic Medal of Friendship Award on behalf of the entire Jackson Family. (July)

NAACP National Voter Registration Drive Honorary Co-Chairmen
The NAACP announces that Michael Jackson and his brothers have been named honorary co-chairmen of the civil rights organization's National Voter Registration Drive. Registration booths will be set up outside Arrowhead Stadium in Kansas City, venue of the tour's opening concert. (July 4)

NARM (National Association Of Recording Merchandisers)
Gift Of Music Award
Best Selling Album - Thriller
Best Selling Single - Billie Jean
Best Home Video - The Making Of Thriller

New Westminister Police Department Honorary Member
Michael Jackson is made an honorary member of the New Westminister Police Department while in British Columbia, Canada. Appointed PC 49, he swears as a police constable to 'serve the Queen and cause the peace to be kept and preserved'. (Nov. 18)

People's Choice Awards
Best All Around Entertainer Of The Year
Favorite Video of the Year - Thriller

Presidential Special Achievement Award (U.S)
Presented at the White House by President Ronald Reagan to Michael Jackson in recognition of his contribution to the nation's campaign against drunk driving - Michael's song "Beat It" was run in the ads. The inscription on the plaque reads: "To Michael Jackson with appreciation for the outstanding example you have set for the youth of America and the world. Your historic record-breaking achievements and your pre-eminence in popular music are a tribute to your creativity, dedication, and great ability. The generous contribution of your time and talent to the National Campaign Against Teenage Drunk Driving will help million or young Americans learn that drinking and driving can kill a friendship."
(May 14)

Rolling Stone Magazine's Readers Poll:
Number 1 Artist
Number 1 Soul Artist
Number 1 Producer (with Quincy Jones)
'Beat It' Number 1 Video.
The Critics' Poll Votes:
Number 1 Artist
Number 1 Male Vocalist
Number 1 Soul Artist
'Billie Jean' Number 1 Video.

The Sun (U.K. Newspaper):
Best Male Singer
Best Video 'Thriller'
Best Album

The World Almanac And Book Of Facts 1985
Voted 1984's 'Hero Of Young America' by a poll of 4,000 teenagers (December)

United Kingdom: Presentation Casement Of Platinum Disc 1985
Presented in the U.K for the "Thriller" album

Grammy Awards
Best Home Video - The Making Of Thriller

American Music Awards
Award Of Appreciation
Song Of The Year - We Are The World

Grammy Awards
Record Of The Year - We Are The World
Song Of The Year - We Are The World
Best Pop Performance By Duo Or Group - We Are The World
Best Music Video Short Form

Guinness Book of World Records
Largest Ever Endorsement For Product Promotion - $15 million for Pepsi

People's Choice Awards
Favorite New Song - We Are The World

Aftanbladet Readers' Poll Vest Vocal Artist of 1987 (Sweden)

Bravo Magazine
Silver Otto Award

Smash Hits Awards:
Best Male Vocalist

American Music Awards
Favorite Single - Soul/R&B

Billboard Awards
Top Black Artist
Outstanding Artist Of The Year
Best Live Show Of 1988

Blues & Soul:
Outstanding Artist Of The Year
Best Live Show Of 1988

Bravo Magazine
Gold Otto Award

Brit Awards: (British Phonographic Industry Awards)
Best International Solo Artist

Cable Ace Awards
Outstanding Editing in a Musical Special - Motown on Showtime: Michael Jackson, the Legend Continues

Ebony Magazine
American Black Achievement Award

#1 Entertainer Of The Year

Guild Hall Party
Presentation Of Sword To Commemorate the "Bad" Tour

MTV Video Vanguard Award
Outstanding Contribution To Music Video Production

NAACP Image Awards
Leonard Carter Humanitarian Award
Best Male Artist - Bad Single
Best Album - Bad

New York Times Best Seller List
# 1 Best Seller - "Moonwalk", Autobiography by Michael Jackson

Orpheus Award
(Austrian version of the Grammy Award)

Smash Hits Awards:
Best Male Vocalist

Soul Train
R&B Album Of The Year - Bad
Best Male Single Of The Year

United Negro College Fund (UNCF)
Frederick D. Patterson Award
Honorary Doctor Of Humane Letters Degree from Fisk University

Wembley Stadium
Record Breaking Seven Sell Out Shows

American Dance Award

American Music Awards
Special Award Of Achievement

Award For The Success Of the "Bad" Tour

Billboard Awards
Number One Black Artist
#1 Album-Pop/R&B - Bad

Black Radio Exclusive Awards:
Humanitarian Award

Bravo Magazine
Bronze Otto Award

BRE Awards
Triple Crown Award - King Of Pop, Rock and Soul
Video Of The Year

British Academy Of Music Awards
Best International Male Artist

British Phonographic Industry Awards
Video Of The Year

British TV Industry Awards
Artist Of The Decade

Canadian Music Awards:
Teddy Award ("Leave Me Alone")

Capital Children Museum:
Best Of Washington 1989 Humanitarian Award

Video Pioneer

Critic's Choice Award
Best Video ("Smooth Criminal")

Entertainment Tonight
Most Important Entertainer Of The Decade

#1 Entertainer Of The Year

Friday Night Videos
Greatest Artist Of The Decade
Number One Artist

Gardner Street Elementary School
Most Famous Alumnus Renamed School Auditorium for Michael Jackson

MTV Awards
Video Vanguard Award
The Greatest Video In The History Of The World - Thriller

National Urban Coalition
Humanitarian Award

People's Choice Awards
Favorite Music Video - Smooth Criminal

Rolling Stone Magazine
Video Of The Decade - Thriller

Soul Train Awards
1st Annual Sammy Davis Jr. Award
Heritage Award
R&B Contemporary

TV Show (U.K)
Goodbye To The 80's Award

Vanity Fair
Artist Of The Decade

Video Software Dealer Association
Favorite Music Video - Moonwalker

World Music Awards
Hall Of Fame
Lifetime Achievement In Video
Viewers Choice #1 Video - Dirty Diana

American Cinema Awards
Entertainer Of The Decade

BMI Inaugural
First Michael Jackson Award Of Achievement

Boy Scouts Of America
Good Scout Humanitarian

Capital Children Museum:
Entertainer Of The Decade Award
(presented by President G. Bush for philanthropic activities for children)

Emmy Nominee:
Composing Sammy Davis Jr. 60th Anniversary Song ("You Were There")

Grammy Awards
Best Video - Leave Me Alone

MTV Video Music Awards:
Video Vanguard Award - Artist Of The Decade

Music Connection
Man Of The Decade

Role Model Award:
Awarded from the country of Japan

Sony Entertainment
Top Selling Artist Of The Decade

Soul Train Awards
Artist Of The Decade

Vanity Fair
Most Popular Artist In The History Of Show Business

White House Recognition
Artist Of The Decade (Recognized by President George Bush)

MTV Awards
Video Vanguard Award renamed to the "Michael Jackson Video Vanguard Award"

Music Video Producers' Hall of Fame
Thriller Video

Billboard Music Award
1992 World Artist Award - #1 World single Black or White, #1 World album Dangerous. Commemoration of 10th anniversary of Thriller (Biggest selling album of all time).

Bravo Magazine
Gold Otto Award

Gabon (Africa):
National Honor Of Merit Award

Guinness Book Of World Records:
Largest Entertainment Contract Ever ($890 million)

International Monitor Awards:
Music Video With The Best Special Effects ("Black Or White")

Music Video Producers' Hall Of Fame:
"Beat It" and "Billie Jean" are inducted

National Association of Black Owned Broadcasters
Lifetime Achievement Award

National Honor Of Merit Award

Operation One To One Award
(For efforts in helping disadvantaged youth)

Point Of Light Ambassador
Given by George Bush, President of U.S.A

Pro-Set Los Angeles Music Awards:
Best Pop Male Vocalist
Video Of The Year ("Black Or White")

Smash Hits Awards:
Best Male Vocalist

American Music Awards
Best Pop/Rock Album - Dangerous
Best Soul/R&B Single - Remember The Time
Special International Artist Award for record sales and humanitarian efforts around the world. (In the future, the award will be known as The Michael Jackson International Artist Award)

Best R&B Awards for "In The Closet," "Rembember The Time," and "Jam"

Bravo Magazine
Gold Otto Award

BMI Award
Most Performed Songs of The Year - Black or White, Remember The Time

Echo Awards
Best International Artist of the Year

Grammy Awards
Living Legend Award

Guinness Book Of World Records
Lifetime Achievement Award

Jack The Rapper Award:
Our Children, Our Hope Of Tomorrow Award (at this ceremony, this particular award is also renamed in Michael Jackson's honor)

NAACP Image Awards
25th Silver Anniversary Entertainer Of The Year Award
Outstanding Music Video - Black or White

NARM: (National Asscociation of Recording Merchandisers)
Best Seller Award 1992 for Best Selling Urban Music Recording Male ("Dangerous")

RTL Television Award (Germany):
Ehren Loewen

Soul Train Awards
1993 Humanitarian Of The Year Award
Best R&B Single - Remember The Time
Best R&B Album - Dangerous

World Music Awards
World's Best Selling Pop Artist
Best Selling American Artist
World's Best Selling Artist Of The Era

Bravo Magazine
Gold Otto Award

Cable Ace Awards
Outstanding Musical Special - HBO special, and Dangerous concert from Bucharest

Children's Choice Awards
Caring For Kids Award (100,000 children from the New York area voted for Michael)

Crenshaw Community Youth And Arts Foundation
Humanitarian Award

MTV Movie Awards
Best Song in a movie - Will You Be There

Pop Rocky Magazine
Favorite Singer of The Year

Smash Hits Awards
Best Male Vocalist

America's Most Favorite Singers Poll (Harris Poll):
Michael Jackson is the 10th Most Favorite Singer in America in 1995

BET Hall of Fame Award
Michael is the first recipient of the BET Hall of Fame Award

Billboard Music Awards
Special Hot 100 Achievement Award (for having the 1st ever single, "You Are Not Alone", to debut straight at number one on the Billboard charts)

Billboard Music Video Awards
Pop/Rock Video of the Year - Scream

Bravo Magazine
Golden Otto Award

Brazilian TVZ Video Awards
Best International Video of the Year - Scream

European MTV Music Awards
Best Male Artist of the Year

King Of Ghana, Africa, Recognition:
Diamond Of Africa

MTV Video Music Awards
(Michael received 11 nominations)
Best Dance Video - Scream
Best Choreography - Scream
Best Art Direction - Scream

NARM: (National Asscociation of Recording Merchandisers)
Harry Chapin Memorial Humanitarian Award

Popcorn Magazine
Artist of the Decade Award
Best Male Vocalist of the Year

Poprocky Magazine
Favorite Male Vocalist of the Year

Smash Hits Poll
Best Male Artist award

VH1 Awards:
Michael Jackson Special Award (for charitable works)

American Music Awards
(Michael received 3 nominations)
Favorite Pop/Rock Male Artist of the Year

Blockbuster Entertainment Awards
(Michael received 2 nominations)
Favorite Pop Male award (HIStory)

Bravo Magazine
Golden Otto Award
Platinum Otto Award - Lifetime Achievement Award (Michael is the first artist to receive this award)
Best Album - HIStory
Best Male Singer
Nicest Singer
Best Show

Brit Awards
Artist of a Generation Award

Danish Grammy Awards
Best International Male Artist
Best International Album - HIStory

Genesis Awards
1995 Doris Day Music Award (Award given to musical animal-sensitive work) - Earth Song video

Grammy Awards
(Michael received 4 nominations)
Best Music Video (short form)- Scream

Hong Kong Hit Radio
Best International Male Artist
Best Song of the Year - You Are Not Alone

Irish Music Awards
Best International Male Artist Award - HIStory

Le Film Fantastique - French Film Awards
Best Video Award - Earth Song

World Music Awards
(Michael won a record 5 awards)
Best Selling Artist Ever
Best Selling Record of All Time (Thriller)
Best Selling Male Artist of 1996
Best Selling American Artist
Best Selling R&B Artist

Bob Fosse Award
Best Choreography in a Music Video - "Ghosts"

Bravo Magazine Awards
Silver Otto Award
Best Album, "HIStory"
Best Show
3rd Best Looking Singer

Brazilian TVZ Video Awards
Best International Video of the Year - "Blood On The Dance Floor"

Dutch Music Factory Awards
Best Male Singer
Best Live Act

Live! Magazine (Readers' Poll)
Most Memorable Male Performer
Legend of Live Entertainment

Popcorn Magazine Awards
Favorite Male Vocalist

Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
Jackson 5 inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall

Soul Train Music Awards:
Renamed the video award in Michael's honor to "Michael Jackson Award For Best R&B/Soul Or Rap Music Video"

Billboard "Hot 100" Singles Chart
Most #1 Hits by Male Artist (13)

Bravo Magazine Awards
Silver Otto Award

Mix (Danish) Magazine readers' (Vote)
Best Event - Michael Jackson Concert at Parken Stadium
Best Foreign Male Singer
2nd Best Dressed Singer
Best Singer
3rd Best Foreign Album - "Blood on the Dance Floor"

Puls Denmark Music TV Program Viewer (Vote)
Best Foreign Male Singer (1997)
Best Show of the Year (1997)

VH1 poll
# 1 Greatest Video of All Time - Thriller

80 Classics of the 80's Poll - Dutch Music Channel (TMF)
#1 Song - Thriller

Bollywood Awards
World Humanity Award

CD-First Internet Poll
Greatest Pop Artist of the 90's

CNN Internet Poll
Best Music Video Of All Time - Thriller

Diamond Award
For U.S sales of 10 million for an individual album or single (Michael was the youngest male artist to qualify for the award)

Ebony Magazine
One of the 100 most important black people of the 20th century

Entertainment Weekly
Eighth Greatest Entertainer of the Past 50 years

Entertainment Weekly Poll
Best Solo Artist (Modern) - #1. Michael Jackson (with 25.90% of the votes)
Best Group (Classic) - #2. The Jackson 5 (with 13.57% of the votes)
Most Underrated Artist or Group - #2. Michael Jackson (with 17.125 of the votes)
Best Modern Album - #1. "Thriller" - Michael Jackson (with 23.43% of the votes)
Best Song (Modern) - #2. "Billie Jean" - Michael Jackson (with 16.11% of the votes)
Best Music Video - #1. "Thriller" - Michael Jackson (with 25.11% of the votes)

Internet Worldwide Top 100 Male Stars
# 1 Male Star

Kora All-African Music Awards:
Lifetime Achievement Award

Lifetime Achievement Award
Presented to Michael in South Africa by Namibian Premier Hage Geingob.

The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA)
Michael's album "HIStory" (released in 1995) has been certified Platinum 7 times in the USA

G&P Foundation Angel Ball:
Angel Of Hope Award (for outstanding contribution to the fight against cancer)

World Music Awards
Best Selling Pop Male Artist of the Millennium

National Association of Black Owned Broadcasters
Lifetime Achievement Award

Genesis Award
Michael awarded for being a true musical legend.

MJ Day 10 Award:
Presented to Michael Jackson at Adrian Grant's MJ Day 10 on behalf of millions of loving fans all around the world

Michael Jackson presented with an award by Nasdaq Chief Executive Hardwick Simmons

Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame Induction:
Michael Jackson inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame for his achievements as a solo artist (Michael was already inducted into the Hall of Fame in 1997 as a member of the Jackson 5). (March 19)

American Music Awards:
Artist Of The Century Award (Jan. 9)

Bambi Awards (Berlin, Germany)
Pop Artist of the Millenium

Billboard Awards:
Special Billboard Award: Commemorating the 20th anniversary of Thriller.

Celebrate the Magic Foundation:
1st Magical Life Award: Michael Jackson honored for making the world a better place, standing up for children and humanity (Inaugural and 1st ever award for Michael Jackson) (Announced March 20, presented May 1)

Michael Jackson 30th Anniversary Award:
Michael Jackson was presented with the 30th Anniversary Award by its designer, Nijel, who already designed the Top Selling Artist Of The Decade Award in 1990.

MTV Video Music Awards:
Artist Of The Millennium

NAACP Image Awards:
Outstanding Music Video: 'You Rock My World'
Outstanding Variety Series/Special: 30th Anniversary Celebration
Outstanding Performance in a Variety Series/Special: 30th Anniversary
(Feb. 27)

NRJ Awards: (Cannes, France)
Best International Male Singer Award (Jan. 19)

Songwriters Hall of Fame
Michael Jackson is inducted into the Songwriters Rock & Roll Hall of Fame for his achievements as a songwriter. (Michael was already inducted into the Hall of Fame in 1997 as a member of the Jackson 5 and in 2001 as s solo artist) (June).

World Awards (Vienna, Austria)
World Arts Award 2002 - Michael Jackson was honored for his peace and tolerance efforts around the world.

Key to the City: Gary, Indiana
(June 11)

Biggest selling album of 2003
Michael Jackson ‘Number Ones’

BMI Urban Awards
Best song: 'Butterflies'
(Miami, Florida) (Marsha Ambrosius, SPZ Music Inc., Michael Jackson, Epic Records) (Aug. 5)

Key To The City: Gary, Indiana
Michael Jackson honored with the Key To The City by the mayor of Gary

Key to the City: Las Vegas
Awarded by the Mayor of Las Vegas (Art of Music Store) (Oct. 25)

Power Of Oneness Awards:
Lifetime Achievement Award

Radio Music Awards
Humanitarian Award. Michael is the first-ever recipient of this award. (Oct. 27)

Honour award-President of the United States of America:
President George Bush presents Michael with the award of being the biggest influence on America in history. Michael's song "Beat It" was run in the ads against drunk driving and it stopt the road toll of death caused by drink driving by 90%!
Pepsi made the most sales they had ever made in history during the period in which Michael appeared in the world famous Pepsi commercial.


American Music Awards:
Billie jean - Best selling single of all time (worldwide)
#1 Soul, Rock and Pop Artist of all time (worldwide)
Best selling Artist of all time (worldwide)
Best entertainer of all time (worldwide)
Most successful concerts of all time (worldwide)
Biggest selling album of 2004- ‘number ones’

Internet Worldwide Top 100 Male Stars
# 1 Male Star

Rolling Stone

Readers Poll - #1 Artist of A Lifetime
Readers Poll - #1 Soul Artist of all time
Readers Poll - #1 Pop Artist of all time
Readers Poll - #1 Rock artist of all time
Readers Poll – Billie Jean - Best song of all time

Michael Jackson inducted into the UK hall of fame

The public has chosen one act to represent each decade since the 60’s as part of a new UK television show. Michael Jackson was chosen for the 1980’s.

Michael Jackson crowned music ambassador for the 60s, 70s, 80’s, 90’s and 2000
Michael was chosen from a group of nominees including Prince, REM, George Michael and The Smiths to be crowned music ambassador for all 5 decades. No other artist in history besides Michael has had #1 hits for 5 decades.

Michael Jackson awarded’ the most famous and biggest icon of all time’
Michael Jackson has been awarded for being the most famous and biggest icon of all time.
For over 5 decades the whole world has looked up to Michael Jackson, He was a star at age 4 and now is a billionaire superstar crowned the king of pop.

"I wanna say…great thank you, to the person, who has changed a million lifes, and open the music inspiration, to thousand famous artists nowadays.
This is for my teacher, Michael Jackson, the one and only, an unbelieveable genius.
Thanks for the inspiration that you're giving me.
You'll always be there in the music history…no matter what this mother****er say"

Verse 1
**** the media
dirty asses
you reverse the truth to the masses
Mr. and Mrs. I don't know yo status
All I know you ain't a **** to his grace.
No one cares about the war in Iraq
All you wanna know if he ****s them or not
people like: "Oh my god, king of pop is no more hot"
shut up bitch
who the hell are you
do you you know who ya dissin'?
gimme a reason to put him in prison
there's only one-yo ****in' opinion.
he has raised over billion people like me
who make hot joints in this industry
from J.T. to Beyonce
P.Diddy & B.I.G.

You're untouchable
you're unbreakable
you're invincible
you're unfakeable
No 1 , ya see
Michael Jackson set us free

Verse 2
Michael, do you remember
you were crying
late september
askin' yourself the realest question:
"I'm helping kids, the sue me , suggestions?"
Let me tell ya ma own explanation
kindness will bury you
make a selection
trust no one
children have parents
dead people
tiny angels
dirty faces
ready to sell you
take all your places
kingdom, house, money, fame
just put it in one
put it in a frame
you must know fans pray for your name
you gotta know, you are the one and
still the same
mother****ers try to play a game?
so show'em who's the master
release yourself again


Verse 3
verse numba three, not for tha industry
it's for fans and people who can see
what's up with that fake ass story
about kids who set up sayin' sorry
enough, let's talk about music
do you remember emotions?
how his songs can change yo life
while ya dancin' with yo new wife
how many hearts were singin' in unison
while listenin' to "You are not alone"
tell me who else can bring it to you?
tell me whose music can fly into you?
who has changed the world
and painted it well?
no one but Mike, so go to hell
I know it's hard to be kinda rebell yell
so judge yourself and ring the bell



2004-12-29 /

Michael Jackson The 1st Most Popular Men This Year

Based on billions of searches conducted by Google users around the world, Google released it's 2004 Year-End Zeitgeist. This offers a unique perspective on the year's major events and trends.

Just like in the past years Michael Jackson was the #1 most favourite searches on Google.

Based on all the Google searches Mr. Jackson was the 1st "Most Popular Men" in 2004!

As well Mr. Jackson became the 1st "Top Public Figure" last year!

Surprisingly Mr. Jackson was the 2nd "Most Popular Men" in Norway!

According to E! He is the 1st most appeared person or something on their show, this year like 115 things said about him or written about him, last year was a whooping 199! He is the most famous and well-known person on earth as well. Something like 99% of the worlds population knows who he is!

My mom says people say Michael Jackson so much it 's like a word, Michael Jackson.


1. Michael Jackson

2.Oprah Winfrey

3. Jennifer Aniston

4. Jennifer Lopez

5. Paris Hilton

6. Britney Spears

7. Brad Pitt

8. Nicole Kidman

9. Tom Cruise

10. Sarah Jessica Parker

11. Leonardo DiCaprio

12. Janet Jackson

13. Bill Clinton

14. Martha Stewart

15. Ben Affleck

16. Fantasia Barrino

17. Julia Roberts

18. Jessica Simpson

19. Gwyneth Paltrow

20. Jude Law

Top five for 2003:

1), Michael Jackson 2) Jennifer Aniston, 3) Jennifer Lopez, 4) Ben Affleck, 5) Nicole Kidman

With the exception of Jesus, Michael Jackson is the most famous name of all history!
Regardless of what people are famous for (leaders, entertainers, etc), MJ is still the most well known name around the globe and he will be forever. I don't think that any of us will ever witness in our lifetime someone make the impact that MJ has made.

My mom says people say Michael Jackson so much it 's like a word, Michael Jackson.

MJ in top of successful uk recording artist 2004

"Michael Jackson was the biggest climber and rose to number one, as his back catalogue of albums continue to sell."

The Guinness British Hit Singles and Albums book ranks artists every year according to how many weeks they have spent in the UK singles and albums charts.
Here are the top 10 acts:
1. Michael Jackson(2,463 weeks)
2. Elvis Presley (1,972 weeks)
3. Cliff Richard (1,972 weeks)
4. The Beatles (1,742 weeks)
5. Queen (1,725 weeks)
6. Madonna (1,653 weeks)
7. Elton John (1,615 weeks)
8. The Shadows (1,578 weeks)
9. David Bowie (1,459 weeks)
10. U2 (1,402 weeks)


Posted by: ISABELLA at December 29, 2004 09:38 PM