June 01, 2003

Oh no, say it ain't so, Joe! *

It seems that SCO Group, formerly Caldera International, is suing IBM and threatening to sue many others for infringement upon its Unix patent. It seems that the Linux software that IBM is loading on servers contains code which SCO claims was lifted straight from Unix. SCO claims similar suits may be taken against many entities, including Red Hat, Sun Microsystems, and Oracle. Linux software development could be severely hampered. I wonder if we can get The Smoking Gun to initiate an investigation to locate Bill Gates stock holdings in SCO?

attribution: I Am Always Right

*I reserve the right to reuse this title in the future. Although this was an alarming revelation, I fear some other offering in the future may better fit the disappointment associated with the phrase.

Posted by Tiger at June 1, 2003 12:16 PM