June 02, 2003

Surely not!

The Associated Press, courtesy of USA Today believes that The Weekly World News* might have been less than thorough about substantiating a story about an alien baby being found in Casper, Wyoming.**

attribution: OK, I admit it, I was bored and went FARKin'

*The reporters of The Weekly World News have announced that they are so very ashamed of ethics displayed by those New York Times reporters who have so lately been in the news, save Jayson Blair, whose writing style and superior journalist expertise shines more brightly in the journalistic galaxy than Glenn Reynolds' InstaPundit youknowwhat shines in the Blogosphere Ecosystem.***

**And the AP might have done a better job of substantiating that such Weekly World News story actually existed by providing a link to such story.

***You likely will not find this announcement in the Weekly World News or in any other publication as I just made the whole thing up for humorous purposes.

Posted by Tiger at June 2, 2003 07:39 PM