June 04, 2003

Another fine Texas blog

Thanks to my good friend Scott*, The Fat Guy, I found a great Texas blog which I think just moved from blog*spot. Texans are smart people, you know, and not many of 'em are gonna put up with all that blog*spot crap for long! Anyway, the blog is The Brazos de Dios Cantina. I am not real sure what part of Texas the lady is from, but I live purty durn close to the Brazos, so she might be close, or she could be a mite further away*, as the Brazos ain't a real short river, not like the Paluxy.

*Speaking of Scott, I have been too busy to check what he has had to say these last few days, but I really like what he said in this post, especially the italicized part in the obtuse update.

**I git to talkin' 'bout Texas, sum-times my accent shows up

Posted by Tiger at June 4, 2003 07:32 PM | TrackBack

You ain't missed much at my joint. I've been busier than the proverbial one-legged man.

Sharon's down at the Houston end of the Brazos.

Posted by: Scott Chaffin at June 4, 2003 08:04 PM

Ah, like near Brenham, where the cows just love it, munching the grass from among the bluebonnets and producing all that sweet milk that goes into that Blue Bell ice cream?

Posted by: Tiger at June 4, 2003 09:55 PM