June 08, 2003

Could there be any better candidate for President than Judge James P. Gray?*

Is there any doubt that Trigg is a Libertarian?

*I think we would have a better chance of getting a Constitutional Amendment Guaranteeing the Right for Everyone to Ingest Mind Altering Substances and Trafficking Freely in Such Substances Without the Interference of the Federal Government before we would of seeing a Libertarian President in the White House.

I was gonna ask what he was smokin', but figured it was none of my friggin' business anyway.

Posted by Tiger at June 8, 2003 06:24 PM

So what are you trying to say here?

Posted by: trigger at June 9, 2003 08:24 PM

That the "War on Drugs" is a lost cause and that the people of America need to stand up and tell the government so.

There was nothing intended as any offense to you. I only intimated that you were an avowed Libertarian. I linked to you in hopes of bringing you some readership.

Posted by: Tiger at June 9, 2003 11:00 PM

Sorry Tiger. I see the words trafficking and mind altering and my knee jerks up so far it knocks the sense out of me.

Posted by: trigger at June 10, 2003 02:13 PM

Yes, maybe that was not the choicest set of words to use.

Posted by: Tiger at June 10, 2003 03:19 PM