June 14, 2003

This is unbelievable

Remember the post I wrote about Michael Jackson on May 24? I had already remarked on May 30th that it seemed to be drawing a lot of comments. Well, I have discovered 3 new comments were made to that May 24th post just today. I ran the string: "Michael Jackson Bankrupt" through Google and that post came up second on the list. I tried it with just "Michael Jackson," but didn't draw a link on the first page. It is so strange that a little reference I made to a post on dustbury is becoming my claim to fame. Of course, I did say that Michael Jackson is an idiot, but I never figured that for major news.

Posted by Tiger at June 14, 2003 11:10 PM

One of your more recent commenters is about 50 percent off; MJ owns only half of Sony/ATV Music Publishing - it's technically considered a joint venture between MJ and Sony Music - and he's borrowed heavily against his equity. Sony has so far shown no signs of wanting to foreclose, but you never know, y'know?

Posted by: CGHill at June 15, 2003 07:45 AM

What is so funny is that I really have so little concern for MJ and what the heck goes on in his world.

Posted by: Tiger at June 15, 2003 11:25 AM