Whew, what a day! I am beat. Sorry to intrude with something maybe a bit silly, but I am almost sure that when I checked my email earlier, I had a news flash that they had caught the #4 man on the deck of Iraqi's Most Wanted from CNN.* Am I mistaken about this? I read several blogs in the last few minutes and had not seen this mentioned on any of them. What is it, doesn't anyone care about that deck of cards anymore? Is everyone already tired of waiting for them to get the full deck or what? Seems to me #4 is higher than anyone but Saddam, Uday and Qusay. Oh well, I am so tired, maybe I just dreamed it all anyway. Or, I am so tired, someone has reported this and I just missed it.
UPDATE: Either this is not news, or no one is talking about it. But here is the story. This is the Ace of Diamonds, the first of the Aces who has been captured.**
*CNN Breaking News: -- Coalition captures Gen. Abid Hamid Mahmud al-Tikriti, Saddam Hussein's personal secretary and number four on list of most wanted Iraqis, Pentagon sources say. 6/18/2003 9:32 AM
**Did I actually scoop InstaPundit?
Posted by Tiger at June 18, 2003 08:02 PMyeah, they bagged him.
maybe he knows where we can find more of them cool trailers. you know, the ones they used to produce hydrogen...
Posted by: the mullet at June 18, 2003 09:55 PMThis business in Iraq is so passe...
We went in, we liberated them. So who's next on the list?
Posted by: AstreaEdge at June 18, 2003 10:55 PM**Did I actually scoop InstaPundit?
Yeah, I managed it too
Posted by: Dave at June 20, 2003 09:22 AM