July 09, 2003

Yes, I was here and I was busy

Well, today I did a massive posting on the only other post for today, and then came home and worked three hours on this week's New Weblog Showcase Review. As such, I probably missed many exciting happenings on the Blogosphere, and as I do not have time to go prowl InstaPundit or Jay Solo, I am hopeful my loyal readers will leave me hints to all the things I really should check out in the comments to this thread.

As an aside, according to SiteMeter, I had a phenomenal readership today, but I did not see any new comments or trackbacking. Strange.

Posted by Tiger at July 9, 2003 11:48 PM

You missed Frank's Blogiversary! AND you failed to link to him! Watch out for all the Wrath headed your way!

Posted by: Susie at July 10, 2003 08:55 AM

p.s.....that "surge" was probably me, checking to see if you had linked to Frank yet.....

Posted by: Susie at July 10, 2003 08:57 AM

Seems to be quite the phenomenon indeed. My traffic and a few other's have shot up but no comments.

Don't know what's going on but at least someone's reading.

Posted by: serenity at July 10, 2003 10:35 AM