July 14, 2003

Announced obtuse inanities

Hmmm, I think OLDCATMAN calls these brain farts:

We got a confirmed case of West Nile Virus in a human in Dallas. That is close. I just wonder ... if you are so hot you can't move without breaking out in pools of sweat, is that a sign of having West Nile Virus, or is it just the way you always feel in the middle of July in Texas.

And it is really cruel when you are watching the news about the hurricane anticipating its hit just so you can enjoy the refreshing rain it will bring to hopefully make your days 350 miles away a bit cooler?

I just got a SPAM warning me about having corrupted files on my system that I didn't know about ... duh? With crappy Windows as an OS and umpteen programs, I know I have corrupted files ... I may not know where they are, but I know they are there. Another piece of buggy software is not going to fix things, so I am not interested.

I had some solicitor call while I was at the office. My secretary asked him if he was soliciting. He said "no." So, I take the call.

"Hi, I'm Bob."

"What can we do for you, Bob"

"Well, we are offering a free home security system . . ."

"Bob, don't call me on this business line." click

I don't worry about calls at home. I have this line tied to the Internet when I am here. If it is important, they can drop by. I live in a small town and anyone who knows me knows where I live. They also know that my dogs don't bite . . . if I am standing there watching them*. This arrangement keeps the solicitors and Jehovah Witnesses away from my doorbell.

UPDATE: I might not have used the term acerbic** often enough. Your acerbic remarks, por favor . . .

*Well, DUKE might bite. You never really know about Duke.

**Look that up in your Funk & Wagnels~~You bet your bippy, I will.

Posted by Tiger at July 14, 2003 07:18 PM

Yeah...can never be too sure about Duke... isn't he the one trying to sell your great baked beans receipe? Dammit, wrong dog. There outta be a law!

Posted by: John at July 15, 2003 05:27 AM

The apartment complex that I live in has a big sign out front that says, quite simply, "No Solicitors". Yet every year we are plagued by happy, smiley people peddiling everything from kitchen knives to cable television service.

I guess it just goes to show that you can't keep a good solicitor down. Or is that supposed to be "you can't keep a good dog down". Sometimes I find myself wondering what's the difference, then I remember comparing dogs to solicitors is doing a diservice to the dogs.

Posted by: AstreaEdge at July 15, 2003 05:50 AM