July 15, 2003

Today's agenda

Today is round two with the dentist. Today will be a discussion about which teeth need to go, which teeth we can save, which ones to cap, etc. What a great thing: having someone poking around in your mouth while you are contemplating the fortune it will take to pay for that privilege.

UPDATE: Well, the absolute biggest surprise of the day was when I heard the dentist say as she was assessing the condition of my teeth: "This one looks OK." I heard that twice. Mostly what I heard was "RCB Crown" which I later learned stood for root canal buildup, which is what they have to do to that tooth before it is ready for a crown. I was shown the total costs for everything that needs to be done: $26K and change. My part is a bit above $10K. Thankfully, this looks like it is going to be done over an extended period, so hopefully I can pay my part out at $1k here and $1K there.* If I am really lucky, I can get some local dentist [who does not accept my insurance so that I have to drive an hour to Ft. Worth] who will come in and hire me for a nasty divorce and I can just take it out of his/her pocket and give it to a dentist who did accept my insurance.

*What really frightens me is the thought that I will invest large amounts of my time and income to get my teeth all in order and die of some malady right after all the work is completed. It is not like I will need a great smile after I am gone, because I intend to be cremated.

Posted by Tiger at July 15, 2003 08:44 AM

I hope they manage to save more than need to go!

Posted by: Susie at July 15, 2003 11:18 AM

Last time I was at the dentist I cried, but it was from the heat lamp that was shoved in front of my face. I swear!

Posted by: Monkeyspit at July 15, 2003 08:04 PM