Jeez, did I ever frag my template. I never know exactly what I did wrong, but you can bet I put a [div] tag or a [\div] tag somewhere where it was not supposed to be. Anyway, I had to go back and get the default template and paste it in and then redo my side panel all over again. I think I got it back in line. I am sure it is a bit different, but not that much different than it was. If you came while I was working on it, sorry for the construction mess. You can now go continue what you were doing before. Thank you for your attention.
Did I mention it was all michele's fault? She gave me something to display in the Hit Parade and I fragged the template when I added it. The link* doesn't really have anything to do with this, but if I didn't send the trackback, she would have likely not seen this. I think my link is still on her porn list.
[UPDATE: Yikes, I didn't fix the template so it would put my categories before the titles, and I forgot the code again. Sheesh!]
*Although I definitely agree with her viewpoint, I think. Now just who is Courtney Love?
Posted by Tiger at July 22, 2003 08:48 PM