This is the eighth of the monthly columns my late dad wrote:
Old Rusty lives way back in the boonies with a couple of hound dogs and one lazy ole mule. With nothing to do all day except whittle and listen to the radio, he gets some off-the-wall ideas about our political structure and its impact on our daily lives. Maybe you will get a chuckle out of some of the stuff he has come up with, and who knows, you may even agree with parts of it.
March, 1999 Updated regularly -- Totally new first of every month.
The bomb exploded many years ago and the fallout is getting worse. Nope, not the atomic bomb. I am talking about the population bomb. World inhabitation is growing at a frightening, no horrorfying rate. Worst part is, countries whose population is growing fastest are the ones who are least able to feed and care for themselves. The death rate in under developed countries is appalling, yet they keep on breeding.
A while back I heard about school girls as young as twelve wanting to have babies. That is ignorance -- plain and simple. They are still babies their own selves. Now conception in an under age girl should be the responsibility of the parents, but if parents allow even one adolescent pregancy it's time for government to step in. I say, any female who has a baby without the means to care for it should be put on birth-control, Norplant or something like that, by the state. And men over eighteen who father these babies should be prosecuted for statutory rape.
We are not to the point, like China, of regulating the number of children a couple can have, but we darn sure should regulate the teen-ager who shell out babies like pop-corn ‘cause their boyfriend doesn't want to use a condom.
Love and Sex -- they're not the same thing. Love is something acquired through association with another for a prolonged period of time. I know, there are those who claim Love at First Sight. That is bunk. Maybe lust at first sight which later turns to love. Sure, physical attraction is a key ingredient in a happy marriage, but so are friendship, respect, understanding and so much more. To my way of thinking, no one ever makes love. They have sex and if they happen to be in love, truly in love, the sex is far more rewarding. But sex is a biological drive inherent in all normal creatures. If you have ever lived on a farm you know that when a female comes in season, she goes wild for fulfilment. Heck, this is what makes the world go around. Isolate any normal male and normal female and they will breed. Be it cows, horses, goats, pigs, or humans. But, love is something else. Love is not gratification for the moment, but a lifelong commitment to someone you positively can not live without.
Thanks for the ride. Y'all come back now ...
Ya hear!!!
There is an old saying here that a man must do three things during life: plant trees, write books and have sons. I wish they would plant more trees and write more books.
--Luis Muñoz Marin
NEVER FORGET -- Big Brother is ALWAYS WATCHING!Rusty Rucker No. 1 - Rusty Rucker No. 2 - Rusty Rucker No. 3 - Rusty Rucker No. 4 - Rusty Rucker No. 5 - Rusty Rucker No. 6 - Rusty Rucker No. 7 - poems.
Posted by Tiger at July 23, 2003 09:06 PM | TrackBack