July 24, 2003

French fried frogs, or some such nonsense

Julia Gorin of Fox News begins her essay entitled Let's Not Pardon the French thusly:

As many sound and revealing theories as have been proposed over the past year to explain France's confounding geopolitical behavior, they've all missed something fundamental.
The view flows with such great statements as:
Always on the opposing side of civilization and on the cutting edge of degenerateness, the French are pioneers in decadence.
Whenever the American conscience wrestles with the introduction into our society of some risqué new practice, procedure or product -- such as lowering the legal age of consent, installing condom machines in schools, approving RU-486 (search) and dispensing it in schools -- proponents always reason, "The French have been doing it for years!"
and ends with
Now we know why in America, when someone accidentally uses a four-letter word in the presence of a child, he or she hastily adds, "Pardon my French."
attribution: Jen who said she got the link from her dad.

ALSO ON FOX NEWS: Death Photos of Usay and Qusay.

Posted by Tiger at July 24, 2003 11:12 AM

I think the Hussein brothers are indeed dead.

Posted by: jaboobie at July 24, 2003 12:40 PM

Hmm... I've seen a link to that Fox News article somewhere else...


Posted by: Pixy Misa at July 24, 2003 12:43 PM