This is the ninth of the monthly columns my late dad wrote:
Old Rusty lives way back in the boonies with a couple of hound dogs and one lazy ole mule. With nothing to do all day except whittle and listen to the radio, he gets some off-the-wall ideas about our political structure and its impact on our daily lives. Maybe you will get a chuckle out of some of the stuff he has come up with, and who knows, you might even agree with parts of it.Rusty Rucker No. 1 - Rusty Rucker No. 2 - Rusty Rucker No. 3 - Rusty Rucker No. 4 - Rusty Rucker No. 5 - Rusty Rucker No. 6 - Rusty Rucker No. 7 - Rusty Rucker No. 8 poems. Posted by Tiger at July 26, 2003 11:57 AMApril 1999 Updated regularly -- Totally new first of every month.
You and several friends were walking down the street and came upon some guys taking turns raping a young girl.WOULD YOU:I hope most people would choose #3. I would and so has NATO.
- Get in line for a turn.
- Look the other way and hurry past.
- Rescue her, even if it meant putting your own life in danger.
There is no way to know how our involvement in the Serbian war will come out. It's a calculated risk, but how can decent, God fearing people let atrocities committed against innocent men, women, and children go on without offering a helping hand. Seems like I remember that we didn't want to get involved when Hitler was trying to take over the world. Now I don't know anything about those different religions, but they all worship God, don't they?
Many believe America is trying to impose its values on the rest of the world because we are a super power, but that is not so. During this age of terrorism and atomic weapons, even the smallest nation has the potential to be a super power. We don't bully weaker countries -- we try to protect them from those who do.
The USA has faults, but failing to stand up for human rights is not one of them. We believe that all men are created equal. Just because one happens to be born in a position of (or to assume) authority, his life is not more important in the big picture than anyone else. What is the use of carrying a BIG STICK if it's never use it to swat a snake?
Having voiced this opinion, I must also consider the other side of the coin. We put troops on the ground in Korea, Viet Nam, Afghanistan, Iraq and for the most part, the USA didn't make much difference. It is clearly obvious that Yugoslovia will accomplish their objective in spite of our intervention.
Here is something that really gets my hackles up. Folks speaking a foreign language to converse in public. Not because I care what they are saying, but it shows a serious lack of respect for their chosen country. It is a fact, all educated kids in the world can speak English, so why shouldn't they use this talent when in America?
Thanks for the ride. Y'all come back now ...
Ya hear!!!Duty is the sublimest word in our language. Do your duty in all things ... You cannot do more, you should never wish to do less.
-- Robert E. Lee - Historic American Civil War General.NEVER FORGET -- Big Brother is ALWAYS WATCHING!