August 02, 2003

But it is SO HARD

I do hope you are sitting right in front of your computer eating your breakfast, because David has led me to a story about a subject that should be near and dear to you all. It is all about those pesky erections, not connected with sexual stimulation, that just won't go away. They even have a name for this condition: priapism, "named after Priapus, the Greek god of fertility."

And nope, it is not something with which you want to be afflicted. It is a severe medical condition that can lead to impotence. Of course, this would lead to increased sales of Viagra, which I understand can be purchased at slightly lowered prices through several sites that regularly send me unsolicited email.*

David did further research and found more information.

Yes, laugh, but guess what? It might not be a laughing matter:

H.A. was a medical professional who had read about the treatment of erectile dysfunction with penile injections. He injected himself with a dose that far exceeded what he needed. He developed a rock-hard penis and enjoyed it for several hours. Unfortunately, he developed priapism. He was so embarrassed by this that he actually went for seven days before seeking medical help. The pain was excruciating, and he tried numerous treatments that he had read about in outdated medical journals including ice water enemas and injecting local anesthetic into the penis. The resulting erection was unsalvageable, and the patient was eventually left with a penis that was less than an inch long. [full story]
The moral of this story, kiddies, is If you got a woody that just won't go away, get ye to the doctor . . . stat!

Now wasn't that the most fascinating thing you have ever read over a bowl of Cheerios?

*It does really irk me that spammers continually assume that I need such product.

Posted by Tiger at August 2, 2003 09:44 AM

Reminds me of yet another pharmacist joke.

Guy goes into the drugstore, asks, "Do you have Viagra here?"

"Yes, we do," says the pharmacist.

"Uh, can I get it over the counter?"

The pharmacist thinks for a moment, and says "You'd probably have to take three or four to do that."

Posted by: CGHill at August 2, 2003 09:59 AM

a 7-day chubfest? That doesn't sound fun at all. When I wake in the morning and have to pee, sometimes Little Jaboobie won't stop staring at the ceiling. That's only 30 or so seconds before I can talk him down and that's a pain in the neck. I can't imagine walking around for 7 days.

Posted by: jaboobie at August 2, 2003 11:33 AM

Thanks for the link, you referenced, some of the treatments for the condition sound ALMOST worse than the affliction itself.


Posted by: David at August 2, 2003 04:22 PM

All I know is, being as I came up double X's on my dice roll, my chassis doesn't come with that kind of equipment--and it STILL hurt ME to think about it! DAAAAAAAAMN!


Posted by: Denita TwoDragons at August 2, 2003 06:59 PM