August 08, 2003

I guess it's time now!

I posted something really personal a few days ago. I actually have been reading the comments that have been gathering from Denita of TwoDragons, who has quickly become one of my blogfriends and poured out her heart in consolation for my pain both in the coments and in this post, Dean Esmay of Dean's World who suggested a service that I did look into and may actually try, non-blogger Jefferey McDowell who offered hope and encouragement, Guy, the OLDCATMAN, another blogfriend, who offered empathy and encouragement, new blogacquaintance Ursula, who offered the first kind words of encouragement, and a fine blog post by recently blogrolled margilowry which not only gave sympathy and encouragement, but also sent readers to my post. I am so very thankful and appreciative for all of your kind words and feelings on my behalf.

Today, I have discovered that my very good friend, Charles G. Hill of dustbuy, not only writes a very nice column called The Vent, but that the latest column concerns my post. Thanks for shining a bit of your spotlight my way, Charles!

Posted by Tiger at August 8, 2003 10:39 AM