August 09, 2003

Monkey see, monkey do . . . or is that it at all?

It seems that I might not be the only one working on my book today, McGehee says he has finished Chapter 3. I am two paragraphs into Chapter 4. Of course, my plot has been known since the second re-write, and this one is the final, I know it! Please do not let me re-write this thing for the fifth time. I am hoping the next time I rewrite this story, it will be the screen play.

In other news, Bill seemed to be a bit more inane than usual today.

Posted by Tiger at August 9, 2003 05:05 PM

Finished Chapter 3? No, I'm barely halfway done with it, still working.

The trouble with writing an adventure story is, every so often something needs to happen, and trying to come up with something to happen is what's slowing me down at this point, because it's still going to be a while before all the main protagonists come together.

Also, although I'm trying to keep it under control, I have a tendency since I've been able to write on the computer, of going back and doing rewrites before I'm even finished with the first draft. Not a good way to produce.

Posted by: McGehee at August 10, 2003 05:59 AM