August 10, 2003

What did they really expect?

John Cole presents a story about returning soldiers and the plight of those who have no wives, fiancees, or girlfriends awaiting their triumphant return. John labelled it as a sad story. I see it more as of a snapshot of reality. Lonely people exist, even in the military, even those who return from war. I was unsuccessfully chasing skirt during my four year stint in the Army, and never thought my status as protector of the realm afforded any greater degree of sympathy than regular everyday lonely people deserved. Well, actually John might be right about it being sad -- people being lonely is a sad situation.

Posted by Tiger at August 10, 2003 11:51 AM | TrackBack

I just hated it when people told me when I was on hold at OCS that at least I didn't have a family. I knew that in some ways I did have it better, not having anybody to worry about or to miss. On the other hand, I felt twice as lonely when somebody pointed it out to me. I suspect that's what those soldiers feel like.

It *is* sad, for anybody, not just these soldiers, to be lonely like that.

Posted by: Deb at August 10, 2003 03:44 PM

Sure. Plus the fact that, unlike those with families, these guys are out of commission for "looking." So, the time they're deployed is time they're not finding someone to settle down with. There's definitely an opportunity cost. They signed up for it, but it's there.

Posted by: James Joyner at August 10, 2003 09:40 PM

The army? Darn. In episode 16, I had you as an ex-Marine. I'll have to fix that.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at August 10, 2003 11:12 PM