August 10, 2003

Read the whole thing

Yeah, I hate having to steal a line from InstaPundit, but I really could not think of anything snarky to say about michele's comments in connection with the moral dilemma associated with downloading CDs free off the internet.

Actually, this does bring to mind a situation that occurred in my past. I once was involved with a couple of Federal investigators who were targeting a friend of mine for what I thought was a petty offense, following his refusal to assist them in an investigation of some of his contemporaries for suspected judicial bribery. I was chastising them a bit for their persecution of my friend when one of them said that they were only doing their job, because it was their job to find and punish everyone who violated Federal law. I then asked him if they had penitentiary space for all Americans. He looked at me and said, not everyone in America violates Federal law. I looked him in the eye and told him that everyone who had access to a computer, VCR, tape recorder, photocopier or other copying or recording device had likely violated one of the copyright laws. He did not respond because I think he knew his own wife was probably guilty of such violation of Federal law ... or his mother.

Posted by Tiger at August 10, 2003 12:04 PM

Do you know the fastest way to get a law changed?

Posted by: Frank at August 10, 2003 12:21 PM

You have to convince a congress-critter that it needs changing, then he has to convince a whole lot of others.

Posted by: Ted Phipps at August 10, 2003 01:21 PM

If a law is over enforced. Over enforcing a law steps on the elites' toes and they do something about it(Sometimes).
You are absolutely correct Mr. Ted Phipps.

Posted by: Frank at August 10, 2003 05:39 PM