August 11, 2003

So Tiger, whatcha doing?

Other than nursing a headache and reading a lot of what other people have been writing on their blogs over the last few hours and commenting to some of it, I am watching that damn Site Meter counter as it closes in on 7.5K. I am not sure why it is significant, other than it marks halfway between 5K and 10K. And not really a bad number for less than half of two months of tracking. I remember my first, what I thought was a really popular website, amassed like 300 hits over a two month period and I was literally on cloud nine, thinking I had one of the most popular sites on the internet. Of course, that was like 7 years ago, and the site was on geocities, before Yahoo took it over and it was called: The Electronic Teabag. Now that was probably not all that interesting to read, but didn't it beat that stink bait* that Bill was using to lure catfish today?

Hmmm, and I am pretty sure that Susie reads my blog, what, every once in a blue moon?

[Update: I make a snarky crack about Susie and she pongs me, and I had to rebuild the whole site just to fix it.]

*Sorry Bill, but I still ain't bitin'.

Posted by Tiger at August 11, 2003 09:08 PM

Shhh...don't tell anyone I'm back here again for the 5th or 6th time today...the rest of my blogroll might catch on....

Posted by: Susie at August 11, 2003 09:17 PM

It must be your addiction for snarky comments, huh?

Posted by: Tiger at August 11, 2003 09:22 PM

Hey! Not my fault! It didn't ping you, and you weren't in the activity log as a washout, so I copied and pasted your trackback url and republished, and THERE you were, twice! MT hates me!!!!! THE PONG WAS NOT MY FAULT!!!!

Posted by: Susie at August 11, 2003 10:11 PM