August 12, 2003

This Blogosphere amazes me!

There are days when I post inanity after inanity, always trying to be very humorous and it seems like no one visits on those days. You do not believe me? Check out how many times I posted on the 6th of this month. where I posted 16 messages and I got 265 visitors, and yet today, I only posted one message and at 3:30 pm. with 8.5 hours left in the day, I have already had 144 people visit? Now, taking my calculator in hand, 265/16=about 16.5 visits per message, and today's I can figure out without even using the calculator: 144/1=144 visits per message. Wow, I surely did not think that message was as dynamic as it has become. I just wonder why InstaPundit didn't pick up on that. Wait, maybe that is the answer. Maybe I am in the middle of an Instalanche. I doubt it, though. I don't think Glenn pays any attention to inaniacs.

Why have I only posted one message today? See the extended entry for the story.

[Update: It seems that at 1:43:28 pm CDT, I was linked in the TOP 40 on Daypop. I wish I had been here to see what all the hullabaloo was about. I wonder what everyone was looking for. Maybe I do need to see if InstaPundit finally recognized my existence for once.]

[UDATE DITTO: I really hate to be updating this and the prior post as often as I have today, but I am going through trying to find why I had so many visitors today. I keep finding all these Google searches. I found someone who actually found me searching with texas and pledge of allegiance and spanish where I came up second on the list. I am so very glad to have found it linked to one of my favorties posts: There really is NOWHERE like TEXAS, one that I penned almost exactly 2 months ago.]

It all began at the close of business yesterday. After I made it home, I actually backed the car in so as to make it easier to remove the battery from the Mustang sitting in front of my house that never moves to swap with the dead battery in the Lincoln. However, I completely forgot about that after my headache had finally subsided to the point where I could actually accomplish that task. I went right off to bed after seeing that counter click over to 7500, and fell to sleep listening to the sounds of the raging thunderstorm outside. It is weird how relaxed I feel hearing all that thunder and seeing the light flashes on the blinds as the lightening reflects off of the other side, and I love the way the wind blows and the rain pelts the windows behind its driving force. I slept like a baby. Well, not quite, as I didn't wake up in a wet soggy diaper, but the sleep was sound.

I awoke this morning believing there was nothing urgent for me to do this morning, and was in the bathroom taking my time sitting on the toilet, doing what I do every morning, when I hear this racket going on outside, my dogs barking, Comanche trying to pull the porch down tugging on her chain, and someone honking. I jump up and run in to look through a crack in the blinds to see what the ruckus was all about, and I see this car sitting out front. I don't recognize it, but they are still honking. I decide surely it is important, so I pull on something and go outside. "Are you still going to court with me this morning?" A voice yells out the window.

"About what?"

"About my ex-husband trying to send me to jail because my daughter will not go visit with him. Remember, I told you she was scared of him."

"Is that today, I thought you said it was next week."

"It is today."

"OK, I will be there. It is at 10:00, right?" I know it is just a little before 9:00 and the court is in the next town over, at least 20 minutes drive, so it had better be at 10:00 or neither of us was going to be there.

"Yes. Do you want us to go on over there?"

"Yes, I will be there soon." They drive off.

I rushed in, bathed quickly and dressed and was out the door in less than 10 minutes. I am a guy, I can do that. I jump into my car, turn the key over, dead. Oops, I forgot something. OK, I can do what I used to do with my other car that had an electrical short and was found dead almost every morning. I ran back in the house to get the Mustang keys, intending to start it and drive it close enough to jump the Lincoln off, and it turned over several times and would not start. I tried again, same result. I tried one third time, and could tell the battery was starting to pull down. Out of gas, I am almost sure. I don't drive it, so I never put any gas in it. The tank says "E" and I have no reason to doubt it. I go inside and call my secretary and tell her to look in the client's file and check to see if she has a cell number. Call them and tell them I am stuck and may be late.

I didn't have any cigarettes, so I walked the block to the store to get my morning DP and a pack of smokes and was almost there when the client pulls up next to me and says, you can ride with us. We make it to court on time. The case washes out because the whole ploy is a subterfuge by the ex to get her to agree to terminate his rights so he doesn't have to continue to pay child support. I tell her it is not wise to do so, but she says he is not paying anyway, and that the kid hates him. I talk to the kid, tell her that if he terminates his rights, he is no longer her dad. She says that is good, she hates him. We all come home.

It is lunch hour, so I change clothes, putting on some old jumpsuit I have from when I worked airfreight and commence to taking the battery out of the Lincoln. I laid it on the ground and I then went and took the battery out of the Mustang and brought it over to the Lincoln. No way. The posts are aligned right, but the Mustang battery is too tall and the positive clamp will not even get close to the post. I had to arrange a ride to the next town to get another battery. I actually could have gotten one locally, but I save about $30 bucks going to O'Reilly's. I may not be the poorest person in town, but I am a penny pincher when it comes to value. I am not forking over an extra $30 just because I happen to live in a little tiny town where every business seems to gouge on their prices. Well, not everybody, mainly restaurants, grocery stores and auto parts dealers. I got the new battery, $49.00 plus tax, plus recycle fee. Funny how they charge $8 if you don't exchange your old battery, but charge you $3 when you bring it in. They don't like you chunkin' them old batteries off into the lake. Seems it kills the fish or something.

Anyway, that's my story and I'm stickin' to it.

Posted by Tiger at August 12, 2003 04:10 PM

It was probably me and Denita checking every ten minutes to see if you had posted anything new yet..

Posted by: Susie at August 12, 2003 08:30 PM


You sound as bad as me Susie!

Posted by: Cherry at August 12, 2003 08:58 PM