August 13, 2003

The trouble with time

For the last several days, most of the clocks in my house have been flashing the wrong time. With the rash of thunderstorms, the electricity has gone off several times, sometimes for just a few seconds, sometimes for a few minutes. If there were any long term power outages, they were while I slept and I did not notice.

What is uncanny is that I have arisen at close to the same time as my alarm would ring on every day that I had to arise early. On Sunday, I slept right through without any concern for getting up. Do we actually have a biological alarm clock that arouses us when needed? I think so.

But then again, maybe it is just this blog. Maybe at some point, I become obsessed with getting in here, turning on this computer and putting something down for my adoring readers. Today is Wednesday. To me, that means two things: It is the middle of the work week, so about lunch time, I will be as close to next weekend as I am to last weekend and my visitation rate should be as high as it will be for the entire week. Yes, for the past month, I have seen the number of visitors to this site be the higher on Wednesdays than any other day of the week. Why Wednesday? What makes Wednesday the day everyone wants to read my blog?

Is it because it is the middle of the work week and the pressing beginning of the week business matters are finally concluded and people have a chance to relax at work? Is it because I seem to post such great things for people to see on Wednesdays? Is this just another one of those imponderable mysteries than will never be solved?

What is the point of this post? I seem to have lost it. I was just wondering how many of you had clocks flashing 12:00 here and there because those damn things are such a hassle to set. I mean, when the microwave, two VCRs, and the two alarm clocks reset to 12:00, I have two remaining sources for the correct time: this computer and my watch. The latter I have to locate from time to time, as I may have taken it off in some unusual place and it is laying in an unusual location. Does anyone really know what time it is? Most of the time, I really don't care. I think that is why all those clocks are flashing the wrong time. It is not important enough to me to know what the exact time is for me to go through the hassle of once again setting them to display the right time.

The sun comes up and it goes down. I do try to get up soon after the sun rises, and I do seem to go to bed several hours after it sets, usually when I get tired. Clocks don't really matter, do they? They are just an evil invention of the evil overlords to enslave and control us.

Now, take that for whatever it is worth. Who knows, I might change my mind later. If I find the time. Maybe I just need to wake up. This is a dream, isn't it? I didn't really type all that inanity? Did I?

Posted by Tiger at August 13, 2003 08:13 AM

People who get paid by the hour need clocks...(an inane comment for an inane post :)

Posted by: Susie at August 13, 2003 09:58 AM