OK. I was checking the pongs. Seems that Susie ponged me pretty bad, but I always forgive her. I used to have that affliction and for the life of me do not know why it seldom occurs anymore or I would pass that information along. But as I was looking at the long list of prior posts, I noticed that I had titled two of the Rusty Rucker posts as Episode 21. As such, I am going to renumber them from the second No. 21 so as to correct such mistake. Denita, you can adjust or not as you see fit. I apologize, and are almost wondering why you hadn't pointed such out to me already. ;) Also, while on the subject of Rusty's columns, I also noticed that I had not posted June's column, so tonight's Rusty posting is going to be the June 2000 column which should have been posted several back. I have also noticed that August and October 2000 columns were passed over. I did have some trouble getting these posts at my first attempt, but I am finding that I can sometiems retrieve these now. As such, I will most likely be posting August and October's columns in the next installments. The run is coming close to the end.
Posted by Tiger at August 14, 2003 06:18 PMThe pongage was inadvertent! Honest!
Posted by: Susie at August 14, 2003 06:29 PMI know. I do not know why MT does that. I do not have that problem anymore, but used to. One thing you might try to do before you send is look down at your ping box, click that little link that say prior pings sent, and then delete all the pings that have been previously sent out of the ping box. I think I did that once and then it quit doing the pongs.
Posted by: Tiger at August 14, 2003 06:43 PMSorry if I inadvertently ponged yuo as well, Tig... *adopts Gomer Pyle style Hicksville accent* Ah'm still a-gettin' tha' hang of this newfangled HTML stuff, and well gawwlly if'n it ain't hard as all tarnation to fidget with...
I think I have everything ironed out as to the Rusty Ruckers, but if not I'll keep trying... Practice makes perfect! :-)
Posted by: Denita TwoDragons at August 14, 2003 07:02 PMAh, but the ping box was empty! then all of a sudden, pongs! Ah, well...all the apologies give me something to post about.
Posted by: Susie at August 14, 2003 08:57 PM