August 15, 2003

Stevie's questions

Well, I successfullly got a bite, set the hook perfectly and now have reeled in Stevie for a Tigerific raking over the coals.

Stevie, please provide responses to these questions:

[UPDATE: Stevie has responded. Answer to Question 1 - Answer to Question 2 - Answer to Question 3 - Answer to Question 4 - Answer to Question 5. Very fine answers they were.]

1. You come home and discover a break-in. You look around to assess what has been taken, and find that the only thing missing is that someone has taken every one of your undergarments, even the soiled ones in the hamper. Who do you suspect and why?

2. Which Arnold Schwarzenegger movie best identifies his qualifications for the post of Governor of California: Kindergarten Cop; Red Heat; or Hercules in New York? Why?

3. You arrived timely for your doctor's appointment to find an empty waiting room, no one at the receptionist's window and hear the distinctive sounds of passion coming from somewhere in the interior. Three magazines are sitting on the table: a copy of November 1988 Guns & Ammo, October 15, 1999's Newsweek and the July 2001 Edition of the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition. Which do you pick up to read?

4. You wake up and find yourself in France and all the people seem to be running away from something approaching from the south. It turns out to be a marching troop of Swiss Boyscouts cleaning their nails with their Swiss Army knives. How do you convince the French population to stand and defend their homeland against this aggessive invasion?

5. You just won a contest at the local radio station by correctly naming all the members of Devo correctly after an extensive internet search and won your choice of cars on the lot down at Honest Hank's Used Car Emporium at the corner of Main and Elm across from the Pineland United Bank. You run right down to Honest Hank's Used Car Emporium and see three cars on the lot: a yellow 1977 AMC Pacer with two flats; a rusty brown 1979 Ford Pinto with fuzzy dice hanging from the mirror; and a black 1951 Studebaker Hawk with a Greatful Dead T-shirt pulled over the drivers seat back to conceal the exposed seat springs. Which do you choose and why?

Posted by Tiger at August 15, 2003 08:36 AM | TrackBack

LOL!!! Great (and hilarious!) questions, Tiger!!!

Posted by: Susie at August 15, 2003 09:15 AM

Oh. My. God. what in thee hail have I got myself into? lol- a lot!

Man, if I just get all this cut & pasted right, I'll be happy...whew.

Posted by: Stevie at August 15, 2003 09:32 AM

They're done, Hon...(And, I am now cross-eyed and crippled from sitting here so long-but that's a story unto itself.)

Posted by: Stevie at August 15, 2003 11:43 AM

Glad ya liked 'em. Those were cool questions, too.

Posted by: Stevie at August 15, 2003 10:04 PM