August 18, 2003

Bandwidth Hell™ continues

Heck, most of the time when I get to the house, I get a pretty good connection. So after having not been able to connect all day at the office, I was looking forward to a night of blogging to make up for nothing new during the day. Of course, it looks like my luck is running bad, because I am having connection problems here too. I waited over 10 minutes for my own blog to finish loading and got disconnected before it ever did. Sheesh, maybe that is a sign that today is not my day to blog. I don't know. Was there anything exciting going on today? I seem to have missed my daily reading also. If there is something you think I have missed happening today, please leave me a comment or a link, and maybe later things will work themselves out and I can get a solid connection for awhile. I can only hope. Oh, I hate dialup.

Posted by Tiger at August 18, 2003 07:40 PM | TrackBack

Here is your chance Terry.

Posted by: Frank at August 18, 2003 08:21 PM

Hey Tig--you and me both, hon! I have had ongoing problems with my Verizon dial-up dropping me like a prom date's panties every five minutes or less...and when it is working, it's slow as a snail with a broken foot...

Hang in there, Tiger! And here's hoping your phone problems clear up soon! :-)


Posted by: Denita TwoDragons at August 18, 2003 09:04 PM

Anyone that tells you dsl or cable internet don't have "outages" for no apparent reason is lying--however, the speed of the connection most of the time is well worth the extra expense (and sacrifices in other areas of the budget...)

Posted by: Susie at August 19, 2003 06:35 AM