August 20, 2003

I suspected as much!

I was checking my visitation rate and noticed quite a jump and when I looked at the graph, I saw that I have over 60 hits last hour.* I thought, Jeez, someone big saw something they liked and people are coming to see what it is. Yes, I did finally get my first blurb on InstaPundit. Of course, he pointed to this post. If I had had my druthers, I wished he had linked to this one, because, despite being something I wrote over 30 years ago, it is something I would like a lot of people to read.

*I have received over 200 in just the first 10 minutes of this hour.

Posted by Tiger at August 20, 2003 07:09 PM | TrackBack

Tiger, he linked this one, not the one you linked.....

Posted by: Susie at August 21, 2003 01:26 AM

Yeah, I wondered a bit about that/ I was so weirded out by the ordeal, I was not thinking straight. My counter went from somewhere a bit shy of 9800 to 12,000 in a matter of hours.

Posted by: Tiger at August 21, 2003 07:28 AM