My friend Frank, who comments often, came by for a visit today and told me why we have had crappy connections all week. We are with the same ISP although his connection is better as I think he has newer phone lines than I do. Anyway, unlike me, who never calls and listens to their excuses, he had gotten in touch with our provider and it seems one of their servers is down, so the routers are getting backed up. We both suspect that it got hit with the Blaster virus or something, but they are scrambling to find the problem. I knew it the connection was crappier than usual, and, although the problem is still not solved, at least I know why. And, of course, now you know too.
Posted by Tiger at August 21, 2003 05:58 PMhey.
you ripped on my blog a long time ago. :) . .. anyway. i haven't moved from blogspot (yet). but, my perm-links are working. So i hope you reconsider your .5 rating you gave me a while ago.
Posted by: nitin at August 21, 2003 06:25 PM