August 24, 2003

It might be better than an Instalanche

Well, it does seem that I am now #1 on the returns for a Google search on filthy lingerie.* What with all those sex-crazed perverts out there in the World Wide Web, I suspect I can expect a lot of hits from that positioning. Of course, I still seem to be getting plenty of hits on searches for michael jackson bankrupt and ted williams head is still leading in the current Google search hits, but somehow, I see filthy lingerie as being in such demand as to bring a regular number of hits for a long, long time to come.

While I sometimes think that the hits I get off of the search engines are really inane and probably do not affect my actual readership, I was delighted to discover someone from Japan visited my page looking for picture of horny toad. I do have a link on that post to an actual picture of a horny toad. I might not have picked up a regular reader, but I did do someone a service. That is a satisfying feeling.

*The bizarre part of this scenario is that the post that is linked on Google is a blurb about my having been #12 on an MSN search for the same words.

Posted by Tiger at August 24, 2003 09:00 AM

I seem to be getting lots of hits for searches such as "Gorillas having sex" and "monkey sex and a boy."

Posted by: Jennifer at August 24, 2003 02:09 PM

Let me know when you get a hit for michael jackson having sex with a monkey boy. ;)

Posted by: Tiger at August 24, 2003 02:13 PM