August 24, 2003

Hot and Sticky, and not talking pancakes

Well, the day started off on the cool side so I did not see any reason to turn on the air conditioning. In fact it was a bit chilly, so I put on a t-shirt to fend off the goosebumps. Comfortably I sat before this very same computer all day blogging endlessly, finally cranking on the fan directly behind me when it began to warm up. So intent was I to put every inane thought that entered my head down for everyone to not read today, as I became thoroughly convinced that no one was reading anything I wrote anyway, I did not notice that it continually got warmer and warmer. In fact, I failed to notice how very warm it had gotten until after the sun had set. This house has gotten down-right hot and sticky. While my navel has remained at normal body temperature, it is definitely sticky. I did a very thorough inspection to ensure that none of the lint or loose threads from the t-shirt had become lodged in its moist interior. Surprisingly, but thankfully, nothing was found. Well, nothing was found except a slimy film of sticky moisture. The normally soft hairs that outline the perimeter of the navel area are matted against the skin. It is not a pretty sight. Hopefully another round of immersion into a goodly amount of hot, sudsy water will replenish all to their ideal state. That concludes tonight's report.

Posted by Tiger at August 24, 2003 10:27 PM

Yeah, but at least YOU have a BATHTUB to cool of in, Mister Russell...I miss being able to immerse myself in more than four inches of standing water at the bottom of a cramped shower stall. *sigh*

I am willing to give up many things, and I have done so since I moved to our house. But I do so terribly miss my bubble baths...

BTW, I just sent some linkie-luv your way! But I'm not necessarily going to permalink the Navel-Gazing reports, because they're nightly--I just recommended them. Is that all right with ya?
However, the Wicked Willies WIL get Permalinked! You can bet on that!


Posted by: Denita TwoDragons at August 24, 2003 11:56 PM

Thanks! Now I can sleep, knowing your navel is still fine....

Posted by: Susie at August 25, 2003 12:12 AM