August 27, 2003

Heh! Indeed!

According to Jeff Trigg, activity in Canada is disproving all the old myths about the effects of marijuana use. Read the whole thing.*

*What can I say? Glenn Reynolds does get the hits, so maybe he is on to something. ;) Besides, it is his birthday.**

**Thanks to Kevin for the head's up.

Posted by Tiger at August 27, 2003 10:24 PM

Big thanks. I'll take your referrals over Reynolds' any day.

Posted by: Trigger at August 27, 2003 11:26 PM

Medical pot in Canada? Sounds like something OLDCATMAN
wrote about sometime ago................... blog plagiarism (ha ha)...or is someone behind in the "times".


Posted by: oldcatman at August 28, 2003 09:21 AM

Medical pot in Canada? Sounds like something OLDCATMAN
wrote about sometime ago................... blog plagiarism (ha ha)...or is someone behind in the "times".


Posted by: oldcatman at August 28, 2003 09:23 AM

The double entry came from a slow and 1 "disconnect" from the comments..................Is the comments function funtioning OK?

Posted by: oldcatman at August 28, 2003 09:25 AM

It happens! no problem.

Posted by: Tiger at August 28, 2003 10:48 AM

Sorry oldcatman, but I wasn't flattering you with plagiarism, unless you blogged about the Chicago Sun-Times article that ran yesterday some time ago, which would be, well, difficult. But now I'll have to make sure to keep up with you so we don't get anymore mix ups.

Posted by: Trigger at August 28, 2003 02:13 PM