August 28, 2003

And a wise man spoke

It seems a Federal Judge has curtailed the plans of the US Navy in scattering low-frequency sonar throughout the majority of the world's oceans because such has been found harmful to whales.

It appears that I may not be the only one who pays attention to the Book of Roddenberry. As such Book foretells: In the 23rd Century, a large being will come to Earth seeking to communicate with a humpback whale, and if finding none, will destroy the Earth. Now, the book does indicate that the salvation of the Earth depends upon our future descendants having made contact with the Vulcan species, having mastered interstellar space travel, and having devined a method to travel through time, none of which is possible as of this date. One may suppose that the judge is of the belief that such prophesy may indicate that it is necessary to live in harmony with all of the world's creatures.

attribution: Mark of Not Quite Tea and Crumpets

Posted by Tiger at August 28, 2003 06:21 AM