August 30, 2003

Cabin Fever and other such stuff

OK, it is already beginning to look like this is going to be another slow blogging period during this long weekend. As for me, I have a severe case of cabin fever, so I have decided to head for Mexico, destination Cuidad Acuna. Blogging will resume when I return. Until then, if you are one of the people who are stuck for the weekend and needing something really snarky to read: delve way back into my archives. There are some postings in April and May that very few have ever read.

Happy Labor Day to all! No lawn mowing, ya hear?

[UPDATE: Still on the road to Mexico, just stopped by Denita's Internet Cafe for a sec as it seemed to be on the way. Just finished my herbal tea, paid for my five minutes of Internet use, and am ready to get back on the road. I am somewhere about 1/3 of the way there.]

Posted by Tiger at August 30, 2003 10:05 AM

Thanks for stopping by, too--I had a blast and Zane really took a shine to you. He even behaved himself! ;-) I hope you stop in again soon!

Oh, BTW--I'm not sure if you thought I was being rude, but Zane has gotten into the habit of grinding his heels into VERY sensitive parts, if a man is holding him. (Not to mention, he squirms relentlessly, and I'm trying to train him out of grabbing glasses!) So I didn't offer, because I didn't think you wanted to have your trip ruined by a pair of bruised nads or broken glasses...


Posted by: Denita TwoDragons at August 31, 2003 06:04 PM