August 31, 2003

Well, I never

I usually allow almost any kinds of comments, as long as they have something to do with the post, to stay up for everyone to read. I believe everyone should have their say, even if they are asshats or are wearing tinfoil on their heads. However, I came back and saw someone had put links to a porn site, a penis enlargement pill selling site, and several other sites in a comment. I had no problem immediately deleting such comment. I really doubt anyone but I had seen it, though, as it was on the post I did to let you to update your link from http://fixitsoonihope/***-rant.html to http://fixitsoonihope/. Any such comments in the future will also be deleted and I will ban anyone who does such from my site.

Posted by notGeorge at August 31, 2003 09:55 PM