September 02, 2003

Oh my, what can I say?

Tonight's report is going to be a bit different, mainly because of a lack of interest. No, not a lack of interest in you who come daily to read the report, but a lack of interest I seem to have in even gazing at my navel this evening. I am plumb worn out and the effort I would have to mount just to raise my shirt tail enough to expose my navel for observation is more than I can muster at the moment. Now, if I could only find an opportunity to closely examine some navels like those displayed in the extended entry, I bet I would become instantly alert. This one is for Tony S.!

photo submitted by annika, who did not disclose if one of the navels was personally hers

Posted by notGeorge at September 2, 2003 11:11 PM

Now that what I'm talking about. Get in there and start writing! ;-)

Posted by: Tony S. at September 2, 2003 11:21 PM

Nice navels. The one in the middle looks especially worth a close examination.

Posted by: John at September 3, 2003 12:27 AM