September 06, 2003

Why I didn't read your blog today:

Because you are on blog*spot and the server seems to be down*. You are still on blog*spot why?

*Of course, this was utter Hell for me because I didn't get my daily annika fix.

Posted by notGeorge at September 6, 2003 11:51 AM

You may feel free to visit me on the days when you can't get to your annika. I realize I would only be a distant runner up (maybe#49) but, I could use the company.
BTW, loved that joke!

Posted by: wandalicious at September 6, 2003 12:21 PM

Pixy's trying to get 'em into the lifeboat and over to munu as fast as he can, but some of them just HAVE to pack first....

Posted by: Susie at September 6, 2003 01:12 PM