September 11, 2003

Ya really gotta hate SPAMMERS!

I am still getting so many damn SPAMMERS sending me messages about the amazing penis enlarging pills. One of them actually made me really hit the roof when I saw it. The subject line said something like "It is time to throw away those tweezers." Of course, I suppose if I needed tweezers to get a hold on my penis, I might actually be interested in those damn pills, but are there any men who actually have penises that small? I have never been all that interested in seeing anybody else's penis, but I might be interested in seeing one that you actually had to use tweezers to hold. I mean, seriously, I have changed a few diapers on male infants, and even they had penises large enough to hold, if such was needed, although I can see no reason why anyone would need to do so, without using tweezers. As such, I find that subject line very offensive.

Now, however, I got a SPAM message that I did find interesting. I found it so interesting that I actually followed the link just to see what they were talking about. That is one of the things about getting SPAM: sometimes you do find something that, without having received the message, you might not have even known existed. Maybe there is an upside to SPAM. Let's see, I have gotten, what, about 500,000,000 SPAM messages since I first connected to the Internet and found one that I thought was actually worthwhile at which to look? I think the odds of winning the lottery are better than 1 in 500,000,000. But still, have you ever seen anything like this? I was not aware anything like this even existed and I think it is a great idea.

Posted by notGeorge at September 11, 2003 11:52 PM | TrackBack