Well, except for a few odd Mozilla users, I guess I am about through updating the template. From what I have seen written in the comments, I think most like what I came up with. I am appreciative of Firdamatic for the base design, but it took a lot of finagling and pushing here and there to finally get it to do what I wanted it to do. I want to thank notCrawford GraFix for the title graphic. I don't think I could have come up with anything better on my own. Oh wait, I am notCrawford GraFix and I did design that damn thing on my own. Oh well, not bad for MSPaint I guess. I may be doing an update on that, however. I suspect something much more dynamic to be coming this way soon. Anyway, my visitation rate has been falling, and I am afraid I have dropped the ball. I mean where is all that snarky inanious crap that I am usually putting up for everyone's enjoyment? No Wicked Willie™ since 10 days ago? I know Denita is chomping her bits awaiting the next installment. Spielberg has been trying to contact me also about that [as if]. Alien Attitudes™ hasn't seen much efforts of late either.
Anyone believe in biorythms? I really do feel like there are certain times when I am highly productive and other times when I don't seem to have the motivation to pull myself out of bed. Oh, god, I might be bi-polar. Where the Hell is my lithium? Can I get SSI? Medicaid or Medicare? How can I quit slaving just so I can pay huge sums of money to landlords, utility companies and insurance companies? I feel like I have accumulated my fair share of the world's gross production capabilities, and am I better for it or better off because of it? Just how bad could it really be just to have nothing but the clothes on your back, just finding a good corner to crawl up in at night after seeking a day's comforts revelling in wine and women, or mostly just wine. I mean, what is the downside, having to slap aside a Sonic cat who is trying to beat you to the scraps in the dumpster? Is botulism fatal? Is it a painful way to die? Am I crazy? Should I be?
Posted by notGeorge at September 15, 2003 07:10 PM | TrackBackI like the new look.
Posted by: Sophorist at September 16, 2003 12:22 AM