September 16, 2003

National Geographic Alert!

Another Annoying Subspecies Identified Today

Homo Sapiens Clubgoerdokissimus. Any chick who shows up to work on a Monday, still wearing a plastic wristband from club she went to on the weekend, has a serious self-image problem that can only be rectified by strong doses of laughter and ridicule, applied generously behind her back. - annika*

*I do lie awake at night just pondering what it would be like to kiss every square inch of annika.

Posted by notGeorge at September 16, 2003 10:07 PM

Your pop up comment boxes don't seem to work in Mozilla. I had to click on the permalink to post this, which kind of takes some of the mischief out of it when I say-- what if that's not really annika in that picture? What if she found it in a JCPenny catalog and scanned it, and she really looks like Helen Thomas on a bad day? ;)

Posted by: Susie at September 17, 2003 01:43 PM

First question: Who is Helen Thomas? Second question: If she showed up at the door, should I check for ID?

Posted by: Tiger at September 17, 2003 07:39 PM