September 23, 2003

I sometimes get the weirdest emails

I actually got one that was offering me my choice of a free Big Mac or a free Double Whopper, all I had to do was choose. I passed as, even free, neither are really my cup of tea. Now if they had been offering a free Wendy's Texas Double Cheeseburger with a Biggie Fry and a Frostie, I would have hopped right on a free meal offer. ;)

Posted by notGeorge at September 23, 2003 11:28 PM | TrackBack

Wendy's Icecream Parlour Huh? ;)

Posted by: Cherry at September 24, 2003 06:01 PM

Now haven't we been over this US Wendy's/NZ's Wendy's thing once or twice before? ;)

Posted by: Tiger at September 24, 2003 06:25 PM