September 26, 2003

Blogging 101 from Allison Mack!

Too cool, a TV star and a blogger! And her tips for blogging are pretty much on point. Well, except for this one:

Use a Website that will host your blog for FREE. A great site to check out is

Those who have gone that route found it really ain't that great a place to start your blogging! Unless you are James.

Uh, thanks to Jay for starting me on the journey.

Posted by notGeorge at September 26, 2003 07:30 PM | TrackBack

So who is Allison Mack, and why does think that updating your blog once a week is enough to keep people's interest?

Posted by: Susie at September 26, 2003 09:29 PM

She is one of the stars on Smallville and posting only once a week to keep people interested seems to work alright for Frank J. ;)

Posted by: Tiger at September 26, 2003 10:04 PM