October 03, 2003

Doin' what the bees do ...

No, just wishin' this had somethin' to do with the birds and the bees, but it is more about how busy I have been lately. Yes, seems the criminals just keep gettin' in trouble, so off I go to court almost every day anymore. I guess some of ya'll might remember when I was havin' trouble with my secretary and that she quit and how broke I was at the time, but that whale finally beached, so I am in better shape with my bills this month that I was last month. But, of course, by tryin' to do everythin' myself, it seems that I hardly ever have time to blog from the office anymore, and sometimes, like today, I did not even have a chance to even check my email. I sure hope there was nothin' important that came today. I suppose I should take a few minutes to check it out, huh? OK, let me initiate ICQ first, so I can delete all the SPAM off of my server, and if there is somethin' really important, I can always go to my ISP's site and use the webmail.

I seem to be so tired here lately. I have been really been busy as a bee all day at work, so by the time I get home, I am so tired I can hardly think. This has been hittin' me hard in my blogging, as I am havin' a hard time thinkin' of anythin' new to put up for my faithful readers and I am findin' it hard to find time to read all the great things they are puttin' up on theirs. Actually, I try harder to find time to read all those great blogs out there than I do tryin' to think of somethin' to put up here to read. I do hope ya'll have figured it out that although I have not been very good at throwin' linky love around here lately, I have been tryin' to visit at least once daily. I even try to comment from time to time.

However, as if not havin' enough time was not a problem already, my damn Internet connection situation, the thin' that is the basis of my tagline on this blog, has been about as bad as ever here lately. I have already had it disconnect twice while I was tryin' to write this post. ICQ has still not successfully connected, strike that, it just did connect and only 18 messages are awaitin' my attention. Heck I had almost that many messages awaitin' me on my answerin' machine when I got back to the office this afternoon. I know I had more pieces of mail than that, but it looks like I have as many pieces of trash waitin' in my email box as I found in my post office box. I only had one or two messages on my phone from people tryin' to solicite money or to sell me something. Maybe my registerin' my phone number on that Do Not Call list actually worked.

Anyway, still around, maybe here off an on, but I am plannin' actually gettin' some rest, that is, if I don't decide to write Chapter 5 sometime today. Tomorrow I have a zoo tour at 10:00 and a meetin' with my American Legion Commander (and me bein' 2nd in charge of the Post now) at 3:00 pm, and then Sunday, I am goin' to drive 3 hours to Abilene again so as to attend my niece's 1st Birthday Party. Yep, the weekend is here and I still got a lot to do.

Still, stayin' busy does keep me from thinkin' about how I have not had any sex forever. ;)

Posted by notGeorge at October 3, 2003 06:07 PM

Happy to hear I'm not the only one that has had trouble reading & blogging this week because of a lack of time.

Cheer up, next week is coming! Oh, and I'm already booked solid through Thursday. :(

Posted by: Psycho Dad at October 3, 2003 06:24 PM

Hmmm...if staying busy is the cure for not thinking about not having had sex in forever, then I'm needing to get busier... ;)

Posted by: Deb at October 3, 2003 07:34 PM