October 03, 2003

Oh, I hate it when I am wrong

Thanks to baldilocks, I found this nifty civics test.

I, too, missed the 1st question .. actually missed it badly, making two wrong guesses before selecting the right answer. I also missed number 9, feeling foolish in having chosen answer 1, knowing it was wrong, but thinking maybe they had made a clerical error, because I was almost sure none of the others were right either. Those were my only two wrong answers, but I readily admit I made educated guesses to arrive at correct answers to numbers 6, 10 and 12. I guess that is why I always did well on tests in school, because I almost always was better at figuring out which answers were definitely wrong and after discarding those finding only one answer left. I did that more often than knowing immediately which was the right answer.

Posted by notGeorge at October 3, 2003 09:21 PM | TrackBack

Woohoo! 100%! Who knew that paying attention in 11th grade would actually pay off?!

Posted by: David at October 4, 2003 12:23 AM