October 03, 2003

In the beginning, Zane found dirt

I went by Who Tends the Fires earlier today and wondered why there had not been anything posted in awhile, but it seems that Eric and Denita, as well as Zane, had just gone campin'. They are back and have plenty of pictures to share.*

*Eric, if you happen to read this, check your template because your permalinks are fried. ;)

Posted by notGeorge at October 3, 2003 11:20 PM

Thanks for the linkage! I'll be sure to relay the technical difficulties to the other half.

Yeah, Zane has discovered dirt. And yea, it was gooooooood....


Posted by: Denita TwoDragons at October 4, 2003 10:35 AM

Thanks Tiger, didn't notice the goof for the permalink. It was a missing " in the Main Index template... Spooty code technicalities...

Posted by: Eric, the Mad Monk Oni at October 4, 2003 11:36 AM