Who would have ever known that the simpleton that posted something as inane as the following would and could continuously post similar crap on each and every day for the next 6 months?
Posted by notGeorge at October 4, 2003 08:12 AMA new voice in the Blogosphere
To BLOG or not to BLOG, that was the question that befell me today. Over recent years, I have encountered the occasional BLOG here and there, surfing links to locate that essential bit of information that I was seeking at that very moment. But I did not know they were BLOGS or just how numerous and popular they had become . . . until today. BLOGS are powerful stuff, according to one article I ran across, powerful enough to have assisted in the downfall of TRENT LOTT. And now, I have begun one, and that may eventually lead to my very own downfall. From where I am standing, that does not seem to be all that far to fall . . . so my gamble is small.
April 4, 2003 05:37 PM :: TrackBack
Woohoo, you made it! You hit 20k on the day of the demi-blogiversary.
Posted by: Jay Solo at October 4, 2003 06:27 PM