October 06, 2003

From the mind of a maniac

I never get any idea how some of these thoughts come up in my head, but I was checking out why this site trackbacked me. It seems that my sexiest navel contest that I ran in conjunction with the Blogger Boobie Thon, that is still going on and boobies are pushing in from left and right ... so go donate: after all, a good boobie is a terrible thing to waste.

Anyway, when I looked at the graphic on the index page, I was just so enamored with All Out of Angst,* just thinking the name is so poetic that I am sorry I didn't think it up and trademark it first, and then flashing that fossilized silhouette of a prehistoric carnivore was just more than I could stand. All of a sudden, I envision this gnarly graphic of a ravenous Tiger devouring a piece of meat and begin to delve into my synapses for a clue as to where to start looking for such, and then immediately to wondering if I could call my cousin with Siegfield and Roy and request that he effect a more ferocious pose next time he takes a bit of man flesh.*

*I perused the blogroll on this blog and saw none of the regular suspects, so if you are looking for a good list on some new blogs to read, have a look at the blogroll.

**That ought to pull me a few Google hits from sex crazed perverts searching for gay porn.***

***Of course, if you happen to be one of those succulent**** female types just looking for a cheap thrill, I can be had. ;)

****The definition of succulence will be subjectively determined by the person offering to be had.*****

*****But ain't it always that way?

Posted by notGeorge at October 6, 2003 04:08 PM