Wow, it is hard to believe it is humpday already. I've got a shitpile of things to do, like I did these past two days, so it will likely breeze past just as quickly as Monday and Tueday did.
This Saturday will be a busy day around our little town, as we have another music festival in town. maybe two, plus this is the inauguration of our Annual Moonshine Festival, which is a 20's themed affair designed to draw visitors and their money from the MetroMess. I got a role in this later mess, as I am reprising a Medicine Man (Snake Oil Salesman) character I developed in another venture a couple of years back. It ought to be a real hoot, so make plans to come visit notCrawford this Saturday, October 11 ... the date that used to be Columbus Day when I was a tadpole.
Posted by notGeorge at October 8, 2003 08:22 AM